
03 September 2006

I'm Going to Jinx It

The weather's been gorgeous. Now, by the time I stop writing this email, it will probably be hailing down upon Dunedin just to teach me about bragging. I just can't help it. It has been nice for days. When I say nice, I mean that is has been warm and sunny most of the time. For almost 5 days now! People are starting to worry about their gardens and sympathise with the farmers because it's been 5 days without rain. It's true though. My lawn doesn't look so good and my flowers are looking a bit parched. It's a land used to moisture.

I'm just happy there was a weekend of sunshine for once. I got to look at the botanical gardens and play with the birds in the aviary. I befriended a parrot that licked hands and even faces (though not mine, I tell you what). I have even been convinced that having a super smart parrot would be like having a flying dog. (Maybe you had to be there for the persuasive argument.) I get to bust out my skirts again without people shaking their heads and saying, "Your poor, poor legs." I get to use my sunglasses and not use the heater or electric blanket. My flat dries out. Mould suffers.

Again, I know I've jinxed it, but if I could get just a couple weeks of summer this year, I'd be so grateful.