
01 October 2007

Picture Updates!

Arizona is pretty! This is the pretty orchard where we got some sweet cider.

My men picking out a pumpkin.

He looks so innocent. He is not.

Tiko likes the hat Leif sent.

So sleepy.

26 September 2007


I've survived my first quarter teaching! I now get to enjoy a two week break, quite brilliant really. I have enough time to decompress AND plan my next quarter. Awesome.

Other than that, life is going along quite well. I still think teaching is an all-encompassing, ridiculously time consuming job, but I am liking it more and more. We shall see.

09 September 2007

IKEA is My New Best Friend

I was skeptical about Ikea being as great as everyone says. I was wrong to doubt.

Not only is it cheap, but it's also organized so that you can't get lost in the store. It's like they made it for me! I walked out with an adult bed! I finally look like an adult! I still need a couch that isn't puppy-eaten and therefore covered in an old sheet. Next weekend? Why not? Ikea is cheap as all get out.

Because Ikea is only two hours away and I now know how awesome the place is, I think that every piece of furniture I get will be from there. I hear it all falls apart, but I'm still in the honeymoon phase with Ikea. I'm sure it can do no wrong.

23 July 2007

Old Yeller

I bought Old Yeller Disney brand pig ears for my dog to eat. Something is wrong with the world.

On a lighter note, I have fully started work at my new high school and it's fun. You know, fun for a really hard new job. But still good.

Also, I get to see my girls this weekend, and I think I couldn't possibly be more excited. I would probably burst. Fun. :)

09 July 2007

Officially Old

I'm officially an old lady: closer to thirty than to twenty. Twenty-freakin' five.

It's been a good quarter century. I believe I shall hope for a few more just like it. But with less of those pooping in diapers years.

30 June 2007

Yay for Being Employed!

I officially have a full time job as an English teacher in a really great district. Is it time to get that first year of teaching under my belt??

27 June 2007

Tofurkey and Cockroaches

No, I am not talking about some crazy new sandwich idea. These are my two new obsessions. The cockroach is the American Cockroach and is the specimen that I found in my apartment complex outside. I must have had some scary dream about it a few nights ago because I had to turn my light on halfway through the night. Then I woke up every ten minutes or so, mumbling about cockroaches and checking over the room and myself before I could go to sleep again. I have been assured that I am being silly. I still have started the search for new apartments. So there. Plus, these are the biggest cockroaches ever and they are the best at flying. I mean, honestly.

Secondly, I love this tofurkey. It is delicious. It doesn't taste like turkey, but it does take like hickory smoked tofu. Yum. I have had three of these sandwiches today and it's only noon. Basically, throw some Swiss and a bit of mayo on the sandwich and Foreman-grill it and let heaven surround you. I kid you not. Eat it. Your life will never be the same. If you'd like to read more about this phenomenal product and others like it, read here.

26 June 2007

Colossal Cave!

This is the view from Colossal Cave Park.
And another.
Naturally, I took like five pictures before I realized that they just weren't working out. This is the best in-cave picture I took. Sad, but true.
Just to prove that it was Colossal Cave and not some other, less colossal cave.
This was taken from the car. We were on open range.

24 June 2007

Trip to LA with Mom and Dad.

Long Beach!
This cool Russian spy submarine. I may have made up the spy part. I don't remember, but doesn' t it seem cooler that way?
I am WAY TOO excited to be using the little PA system. But we were on a RUSSIAN SPY SUBMARINE!
You can't see the sign we are standing by, but it says absolutely no loitering or photography, etc. They were the directions to the spot that the hotel gave us. So... we are rebels.
Ha. I had to.

At Last!!

This is my dollfaced puppy. This is him checking out the camera for the first time. I think he looks cute here, some think he looks aggressive. You decide.
This is another where Tiko the Puppy appeared to be cute and innocent. Do not be fooled. But he is here with his prized possession -- the smaller stuffed puppy. It no longer has either eye, its nose, its tag, and its ear needed to be sewn back on. Theirs is a fickle love.
He is so small here! I will put some more pictures up soon. I wish I could get pictures of him peeing on the bed after he Houdinied out of his crate. Or maybe him trying to bite me as I'm feeding him (Has he not heard the famous saying?!). Perhaps the bark-bark-barking while I have to wash his toys? Oh well, you'll just have to go on believing he is adorable.
This is entitled Man and His Dog. Not really, but this is on the drive up the mountains near here. They conquered the mighty hill to overlook the miles of rock and cactus. Well, and me. But I was on the boring side with the highway.
This is a view also on the way up Mt. Lemmon in Tucson. I have already fallen quite in love with the desert. Once the puppy has all his shots (in two weeks!) we can venture out a bit more.

18 June 2007

Why the Lack?

I have not been blogging because I have tons of pictures and it keeps not letting me post them. I am on the case. Once I do figure it out though, I will post oh so many pictures and stories.

23 May 2007


  • Got a new puppy. It pees almost constantly and only sometimes outside.
  • My school year will never end. June 13th will never get here.
  • One of my bestest friends is getting married this weekend -- congrats Rebby!!
  • I got a new purse. It has polkadots. I love it.
  • I might get a new car soon. Fun.

That is all. :) So tired...

10 May 2007

Contagious Kiddos

The little jerks got me sick. :) I kid, I kid. The lovely people who I enjoy teaching all the live long day passed on an illness to me. It was wretched. And here I am, three days in, and still enduring a monstrous headache bordering on migraine. I can't wait until next year when I've been working with enough kids to be immune to the most gross of these illnesses.

Also, FYI: working with kids is so not the job to do while nursing yourself back to health. It's like having a hangover that won't go away. And there are children. So many children. :) That being said, since I have rough and tough kids, they all know what it's like to be hungover (for better or worse). They treat me well then.

I think I should buy stock in aspirin. Is that a thing you can do? I want to. I buy enough of their product anyway...

04 May 2007


I dreamt last night that I could see the Grand Canyon from my apartment. This is, unfortunately, not true normally. The Grand Canyon is pretty freaking north in Arizona and I am pretty freaking south. I feel that maybe my subconscious is telling me to reach further.

I also hear there is a community of people who live on the floor of the Grand Canyon (my source is one of the reading lab booklets we have at school which may or may not be over twenty years old). Maybe, just maybe, my dream is telling me to go live among this tribe.

Fine, I'm going to work now. Meanies.

01 May 2007

Mmm... Sandwiches

I love sandwiches. No, but a lot. I miss them most of all as a vegetarian. But, you say, you can make ones that have other stuff in them. True, true. But those frankly are a different can of worms. (Ew.) I mean, I can make a delicious wrap and stuff veggies in there. But it doesn't taste like a sandwich. I can make a sandwich without meat, but it doesn't taste like a sandwich. I want to remember grade school when I eat a sandwich.


I found soy meat slices. Or something. They are organic and meatfree, but look like processed meat. (Yeah, I know that doesn't sound appetizing, but when you can't get it...) So I make my sandwich with lettuce and mustard and cheese and soy meat... Oh. My. God. It is bliss. Thank you imitation lunch meat people: you have revolutionized my lunchtime experience.

28 April 2007

When Do You Have Time?

I am not sure where time goes. I am not the first to say it, but time just speeds up as you get older. Sometimes, I get caught up thinking - it was already four months ago that I moved to Tucson, six months since I got back from New Zealand, three years since I left for New Zealand, and almost four years since I graduated from college. Now, it might not seem so shocking to you. I mean, people grow up, it happens. But when did I become an adult? I still don't even think of myself as one and I am sure grandmas in their 90s sometimes don't feel like it either.

On a more day-to-day basis, I am unsure how to pack my life into these tiny things called days. Working is really cramping my style. Don't get me wrong; I like my jobs. Both of them. I like teaching, I like the challenge, I like the kids, I like the work. But it sure is time-consuming. Think about that phrase. I am picturing the greater-than-alligator (you know the one; we all heard about him when learning about math in grade school) eating up the minutes on clocks. After working two jobs, doing laundry, dishes, making food, preparing for the next day, who has time to live anymore?? Two weeks in a row, I simply had no time to watch a new show that I like. It's only a half hour. I never even remembered to try to fit it in my schedule.

I guess these are the years to put the hard work in because I'm young, blah blah blah. But I don't want this to become a habit. Then, you hit 80 and realize you forgot to retire and you haven't a clue how to have some good old fashioned down time.

The moment I'm rich, I'm quitting my job. :)

The sad part is that we all know I'm lying. If I won the lottery tonight, even in the billions or something, I'd still show up at work on Monday. I blame you, Mom and Dad. :)

22 April 2007


Yesterday was quite the busy day. I feel that my posting has suffered from my "real life." These things happen.

I finally got a gym membership again. I can barely say that without jumping for joy -- which would be a great way to work out in and of itself. This is the first time in my life where I am this enthusiastic to be working out. It helps to be much fatter than you'd like to be. It also helps to have been much thinner just a mere six months ago. It also helps tremendously that I have to be a bride on a friggin' cruise ship in 14 months. Seriously, who coordinates their wedding with an occasion to spend a lot of time in swimwear? Whatever the reason, I am also happy to be getting healthier again. It's time to work off the months and months of ramen and pizza. The best thing is that they have cable TVs hooked up to most of the equipment (apparently some crazies don't like the cable TV addition to their workout). I mean, really? This is amazing. I was laughing through half of King of Queens before I realized I'd been working out for 15 minutes. Awesome. Well done, Gold's Gym. The other best thing (there are a lot of them) is that the membership is only 19 a month. No, I typed that right. Nineteen dollars a friggin' month. The other best thing is that they have a leather couch in the changing room and a jacuzzi and outdoor swimming pool! Now, I don't know what purpose a leather coach will serve me. I doubt I will lounge with cocktails and a magazine, but snazzy! And I also don't know that I will need a jacuzzi, but I bet that when I do need one it will be of utmost importance.

Just wonderful.

The other fun event of yesterday was the chaperoning of prom. That's right. I got to be there to oversee a prom. The stats were good: only 1 drunk girl (whose friend tried to tell me, "She just got so excited! She just needs to rest her head here in the bathroom." Oh teenagers.) , only 1 girl told to stop grinding her butt into her date who was slack jawed and in awe, and 0 fights! Considering my kids are a bit rough around the edges, this was an amazing turnout. I am tired this morning because evidently the only thing more exhausting than partying all night is tensely watching others party all night, hoping they don't mess up enough to enjoy the company of the friendly cops in the back of the room. A good time was had by all, but now I miss ghetto booty dancing to hits like the Humpty Dance and My Humps.

Summer trip with my VU girlies will have to be a rockin' good time.

14 April 2007

Stress Levels? Good.

Life is finally levelling out. You know they have those lists of top stressers in life? I had too many of them in the past six months. Thank God nothing like family dying or anything like that, but moving, moving countries, finishing school, new job, new second job, etc. Things are working on out. I have a bed now. This is good. Vacuum cleaner, check. So my needs are levelling out too.

It's like playing the Sims, which I do as often as humanly possible. You start out with nothing and gradually work your way there. I think I'm getting close. Then again, I'm not sure where "there" is to be getting to. But I'm on my way. :) And that's half the battle, isn't it?

Also, my new obsession is etsy.com. I think you should go there immediately, if not sooner. I found a person who is willing to make sweet wedding invites for approximately no money. I also dig on one of a kind stuff in general, so this is the place to get it.

Seriously, I should get paid for advertising.

09 April 2007

Domestic Goddess

I made potato and lentil pasties tonight.

From scratch.

That's right. It took me three hours and every dish in the house, but I totally did it. :) Now, I probably won't give up three hours of my every evening to create such a dish, but it did feel good. I felt like I worked and sweat (not in the food!!) for the meal.

I do have several more real recipes for this week, but I will probably have to take tomorrow night off. Veggie burgers on the Foreman sound awesome actually.

08 April 2007

A Small Announcement

I love Easter.

And Red Lobster.

And brunchtime Bloody Mary's.

05 April 2007

Meat Eater?

It might be time to start eating chicken.

I know.

But it's really hard to eat in a healthy way when every meal is comprised mostly of carbs. I am not necessarily anti-carb in general, but I don't do enough or have enough time in my day to do enough to work off the energy I am consuming. I need quality protein and it's just as simple as that.

I've never been a vegetarian for moral or ethical reasons, so it's not so much that, but still. I was a real vegetarian for a year, then a vegetarian who ate fish for three years now, and it might be time to add chicken to the diet.

I'm still mulling it over, but it might be time, kids.

03 April 2007

Warp Speed

Time is ridiculous. This is the longest short week ever. I get done with work and the day is over. Or, if I have the luxury of working only one job in a day, then I get home, do laundry, make lunches for the next day, set up coffee, iron some clothes, eat some dinner, and go straight to bed. I mean, really? Is this life? I fear that it is.

On a "silver lining" note, here are a few things I've heard recently from students:

  • You know, it is pretty awesome being hot. ~10 year old boy
  • Well, you know I'm pregnant, right? ~ 18 year old girl; Yeah, well who isn't? ~17 year old boy (Yeah, I teach at that school.)
  • Haha, you said, "Duty." ~ sadly, me
  • Who wants some free tickets to this movie? ~teacher; Me! I want three... no four! Five, I want five passes!! ~16 year old boy; You know ten people who want to see this movie?; What movie?
  • Wait, you want me to do my own work? Seriously?! ~18 year old boy

01 April 2007

Working, Working, Working...

I've been trying to think of something fun to announce on here or comment about. Unfortunately, I am pretty boring as of late. I have been working a ton and that's it. Though I have been introduced to Bruegger's Bagels which now defines my Sundays. So that's exciting.

Other than that, I only have boring things to tell you. I am starting to teach math at Sylvan. I mean, really? It's okay though. They gave me an answer key, thank God.
Earlier in the week, I think I was poisoned by organic food and am now disillusioned. I will still buy it though, because it is cheaper at Trader Joe's than the non-organic food. But man, food poisoning sucks.

I've also gotten rid of HBO and the other movie channels and gotten a subscription thing with Blockbuster. I feel I will never run out of movies to watch now. Thank God you can only take three out at a time or I would be so overwhelmed. Naturally, I have started my movie selection by picking things like The Pick of Destiny and Just My Luck... definitely classics. Worry not, I'll start watching the good ones soon.

By the way, when did horror movies dominate the shelves? I don't like these things and I don't like having to look through the scary pictures to find my little gems on the shelves. Apparently this means I am vouching for censorship, but maybe they could all just be in one section.

As you can see, this means not much is going on in my life. Well, lots is going on, but none of it makes for interesting posts. So I am off to play the Sims. Fun things happen on there. :)

25 March 2007


Related to my last post, I just wanted to mention that I bought a bookcase before I bought an entertainment center.


Now, to be fair, I sort of had to get a bookcase first because I can't put my clothes anywhere until these boxes of books go away. So, fine. But still. The TV is sitting on two chairs and will continue to do so until I feel like I have spare money. That, or until I know I will be having someone visit the apartment. It is embarrassing after all.

Every pay period gets this apartment one step closer to being lived in. I wish I could blow all kinds of money making it nice in one fell swoop, but I'm okay with it. Progress feels good.

The only downside is that there are far, far too many books for one tiny bookcase. I also rather enjoy that fact of my life. :)

24 March 2007

So Over TV

I think I might actually be over TV. Not enough to get rid of it, but no more HBO or other movie channels. I will have the Blockbuster subscription where you can rent all you want, but that's it. I don't even watch new shoes. I like reruns of shows and old school cartoons. I swear. I watch more cartoons and Discovery channel. So TV has yet to impress me. I think I am also trying not to get addicted to any shows; it helps that I am so behind on all the shows I do like.

Now, you can tell I'm still addicted because I won't just get rid of it, but what an unexpected carryover from New Zealand! I just assumed that I would jump into old ways, but I have no time for TV. It feels good. Statistics on are on my side with this one.

But... how unexpected!!

18 March 2007

No Rip Van Winkle

I can't nap anymore. I'll let that soak in.

I, the lover of naps and relaxing midday, can no longer nap. Oh, sure, I try. But to no avail. I will inevitably have the running commentary of my consciousness listing off the many better things I could be doing with my time. As if there could be anything better than well deserved sleep. As if, I say.

If I do manage to get some sleep in, then I am wired for the rest of the night. I will be up at two a.m. because, "It's okay, I slept for twenty minutes today." Awesome. :) But I guess we can look at the positive side -- I get more things done. I guess.

17 March 2007


I think I should rename this blog "Ways I Can Tell I'm a Grownup Now." My car is broken. Well, it runs, but not well. And not in a way that guarantees my wellbeing. So I'm figuring out car payments, insurance, etc. Ew. But I feel good knowing those decisions can be made! And even by me -- partly!

16 March 2007

Another Era!

Though I don't usually get personal in these posts -- they're mostly about funny anecdotes -- I occasionally break that to say something actually important. Today is one of those days!

The boy and I are gonna get hitched! That's right, we've gone all official. :) I still feel like a little girl wearing big girl jewelry, but I suppose I'll have to get used to that. Diamonds go with flipflops and old college tshirts, right?

14 March 2007

End of an Era -- Fingers Crossed

I've taken some random turns in my short little life. A couple of times, these turns have left me bedless. There was the terrible stint living with a dear friend (and by with, I mean on her loveseat -- not couch); we knew it was a bad idea to start with, but I lived on a loveseat for months. And that's okay. It was that or go back home, and I wanted to be out on my own. Such is the cost for these things.

When I got to NZ, I was smart enough to get a semi-furnished flat, which handily came with a bed. Well, when I first got there, the leg was broken. I had just gotten off of a 2 day journey to get there and beggars can't be choosers. I slept lopsided until I had the energy to find a hardware store, some nails, and a hammer.

Tucson was another unexpected twist in the road. I had basically no money for the trip down, let alone to set up shop. Hence me living on my own couch... until tonight. A bed is on its way.

Define adulthood however you want, but for me -- today I am an adult. I hope that last night was the last night that I will ever have to sleep on a couch because it's where I live. I hope that from here on out, I at least have that bed. I didn't even have to put it on my newly acquired credit card. Tonight, will be bliss.

Just ask my back.

12 March 2007

Spring Break

I'm finally on Spring Break! Now, me even saying that is wrong because I've only been working for my job for a bit over a month. And I just found out about the Spring Break a few weeks ago. But still. It's nice. I'm still working at my other job too, so it's not totally off, but it's only working for a few hours an afternoon. Sweet relief.

Also, I can see again. I got new contacts this weekend and I am back among the glassesless - a place I love to be.

I actually managed to convince myself to sleep in, but I woke up every twenty minutes, thinking of all that I could get done today. So I slept in until 8 -- which I think is quite late. But I am stuck in the apartment carless, and I have to walk to my job this afternoon. I am lost because I have no idea of the walking distances to places anymore. This is only funny considering I walked everywhere for two years and now I'm just not sure. Oh well, today's a day to find out.

So here's to my day of laundry, dishes, eyebrow plucking, toenail painting and leisurely lunch with reading mixed in. Say it all together now - whew.

08 March 2007

Blind Bonnie

I blinked my way through a contact lens. That's right, folks. I have the eyelids of steel that can shred a contact in two in a mere blink.

So I guess we're not waiting for optometry coverage before I get new contacts. Awesome. :)

06 March 2007

Tired Tammy

Hello, folks. I am tired. Dead tired. I think I may have needed more time to adjust to working full time again. While I am happy for the job opportunities that have come my way, especially seeing as my arrival happened in the middle of the school year, I am exhausted. I am not making as much money as I should (could?) be making right now. So... I work too much. Always a solution, right?

Now, spoiled me, I will not be in this particular position for long. I am also not left wanting for anything. Well, I am not wanting for anything but sleep. My workday starts at 7.45 and goes until about 7.15. That is too long. :) There are breaks, but still.

I know I used to do this. My summers between years of college were exhausting feats of endless working. I used to work at least 14 hours a day at least 6 days a week. I know I can do this just fine. But it takes a while to acclimate your body to not sleeping. I also drink too much coffee again. Perhaps the lazy New Zealand time was good. Write for three hours, study for another hour, sleep, work for three hours, sleep. Nice.

The good ol' days.

Of course, I had barely enough money for food. I had no heat and was always cold. Sigh. Compromises, compromises everywhere... :)

01 March 2007

Consuming Connie

You know what the best part about a job is? Getting paid. I know, I know. This is earth shattering stuff here. But I can not get out of the scavenging spirit, first of all. The kids at my high school have been taking their state tests, here called the AIMS. Because it's a small school (and we're awesome), they have been provided bottles of water, bagels and cream cheese, granola bars, muffins, and fruit. I've had my eye on this crap for days.

I mean, while some of these kids from lower socioeconomic groups, I'm pretty sure everyone can afford food. (I'm saying that in all seriousness; sarcasm there would be unfunny.) Which, I thought indignantly, meant I deserved it more as I cannot. Oops. Could not. See? I'm okay now, what with my packed fridge and overloaded cupboards. Maybe there was a little bit of hoarding there. There are two bottles of dishwasher detergent, shampoo, face soap, and laundry detergent because they were all twofer sales (two for $5, etc.). So I'm still stockpiling even though another paycheck is just around the corner. So pardon me if, after testing was done and the students were gone, I took four granola bars, two apples, a muffin, and two bottles of water. So what if I don't like apples (too crunchy), I need nutrition! I had a moment after the fact where I realized that I am not actually any longer suffering from drawn out malnutrition. There are more fruits and vegetables in this apartment than I have ever seen in any place I've lived. That might be a slight exaggeration, but only slight.

On the converse, I am still amazed at how fast two people can rip through a gallon of milk, a bottle of shampoo, and laundry detergent. Good Lord. I must wear five outfits a day and run through the mud in every one of them. I think the trash is endlessly filled up, no matter how often it is emptied. I mean, I guess this is living. Living consumes things. And I think I'm pretty good about not wasting things. Like, it's sort of one of my annoying habits. Even if I buy a lotion that, it turns out, I hate the smell of? Well, I'ma gonna stank for the next month and a half.

Life is good, I think. Free muffins are great, don't get me wrong. There's a certain pride, however, in affording your own for the first time in years. That's right. Affording muffins. Baby steps.

27 February 2007

Honking Good Time

A reliable source (read: I'm too lazy to check up on it) told me that Arizona has the worst drivers. Out of the top five worst cities for driving in the US, Phoenix, Tempe and Tucson all make the grade. So... it's hard to drive here. People pull out in front of you, cut you off, etc. The worst part is the honking. There are some cities that I've driven in where the lack of honking was a little extreme. I remember being in the boyfriend's town driving and another car cut me off. I had to do evasive action to, you know, not die. I went to honk when the boy quickly stopped me. It apparently would be like getting out my car and smacking the other driver across the face. Well. I resisted.

But this is ridiculous. The light changes, a horn honks immediately. Someone does a U-turn, a symphony of horns sounds. One time, I kid you not, I was waiting at a light and had been. The guy next to me honked. The light hadn't changed. I have no idea what he was honking about, but it wasn't accidental - he looked slightly pissed off.

Maybe the Midwestern drivers do have manners; but not Chicago. They're a whole other breed. :)

25 February 2007

Connection is Coming

So for all you cats out there who desperately await getting my new contact information, fear not. The time draws nigh.

What? You're sick of the cell phone with the busted speaker? You're sick of me not ever answering because I can't answer the phone in public because you have to be on speakerphone? Yeah, me too. Just hold on. My cutie new pink cell phone (I'm such a girl) is on its way. From Maryland of all places. Regardless, contact info will be distributed once the phone is up and working.

But I probably won't distribute it through this website. Stalkers, you know. This blog has made me wildly popular, you know. Oh, the fan mail. That and the death threats. So if I love you and you love me and you're not one of my numerous stalkers, you'll probably get an email soon.

24 February 2007


Snerfle [SNEHR ful] noun:
a tad more, some additional quantity, usually for express purpose of warming up or completing

How's that coffee coming? You want a snerfle?

[origin: my dad]

Hey, now you know.

23 February 2007

Yay Internet!

I finally have Internet! I even have money to maybe go and buy a desk to put the computer on. The light here at the end of the tunnel sure is bright, shiny, and warm. :)

And cable? Remember That 70s Show?? I do now! And apparently, the Grammy's are coming on. My God, it's been two years -- more than -- since I've had cable. I am overwhelmed. There are over 500 channels. Literally more than 500 channels. And I get them all!

Living was fun, but I think I'm now going to spend my life with my laptop while watching TV. It was nice knowing you all.

Kidding, I clearly have to go out and spend some money. Obviously.

22 February 2007

Rodeo Days!

I am celebrating the apparently statewide event that is Rodeo Days by running errands. So boring.

I remember when my parents used to have their few and far between days off. They were always so busy! I remember saying, "This is vacation; you should relax!" And my dad would say, "I'll relax when everything's done." Of course, it was never done. I dare say my dad hasn't relaxed once in the past ten years. (I kid, I kid.) ;)

I had a taste of my own medicine today. I have been running around, thankful to have some time for once. My days melt into my nights and I find that I can sit down for the first time at 7.30. A grand total of 12 hours since I left the apartment in the morning. Ugh. But I like feeling productive. I feel like I've been continually falling behind in a race. Well now, what I feel like is this: I've been playing Mario Kart and I'm sucking. I mean, I'm staying in the race, but I'm clearly not going to win. But then! I hit a turbo strip. And then another! And another! I just feel like days off give you this massive amount of time to catch up.

So, daddy dear, I'll relax when everything's done too. :)

21 February 2007

Food is Yummy

Yesterday, I had my first batch of "real" money. Some New Zealand funds settled themselves (what a politically savvy way to say that!) and a couple hundred dollars came my way. Now, my needs are great. A list of things I just might like to have:

  • cable
  • groceries
  • pillows
  • face products
  • hair products
  • a bed
  • dressers
  • hangers
  • lamps
  • more silverware
  • more plates
  • mixing bowls
  • coffee
  • a tea infuser
  • a working cell phone
  • a newspaper subscription
  • another car
  • gas
  • a suitable wardrobe for work and pleasure
  • new shoes
  • repairs on old shoes
  • books
  • movies
  • a desk
  • a desktop computer

The list goes on. $200 does not go far. But it does make you happier. Money may not buy happiness but it sure staves off utter depression pretty well.

Also, I get the next two days off. Why? Well, I think it's to make up for the fact that we had school on President's Day. I mean, honestly. But it's actually for Rodeo Days. Fine. I guess I do live in the South, though I prefer to think of the Southwest as a whole different kettle of fish.

Tomorrow I might check out the rodeo parade and some fun stuff -- it is free, after all -- and get some errands done. The thought has never made me happier. And! Cable/internet/new cell phones should be in this weekend. I think I've crossed over the poverty threshold.

It was a close one, folks.

12 February 2007

Hello, Light at the End of the Tunnel

The reign of poverty will soon be over. The countdown begins with less than 2 weeks left. Cable! Food! Gas money! A bed!! Such luxury. I like to spend my time daydreaming about cooking a proper dinner. That's sad, I think. But less than two weeks!


07 February 2007

Work is Tiring

I think work makes me tired. There is also some realization that this is what I will do forever. Starting... two days ago. It's a daunting thought. I still enjoy it and I know that I want to do this and all. No early mid-life crisis; fear not. But still. People spend an awful long time working in their lives. Think of the sheer hours!

Whenever I start a job, I always feel like it takes up so. much. time. But eventually I will come home not tired. I won't have to hold off on sleeping for just another half hour. Things will settle. But I think I'm also aware that this is the one of the last big learning curves I have to go through professionally. Granted, there will be a big leap in helping (at times, co-teaching) to being my own teacher in my own classroom. But other than that, the only big stuff coming up in any reasonable amount of time is personal.

I mean, I've been going to school for20 years, if you include kindergarten. I mean, honestly. All that prep for... just this. It's anticlimactic, I'm not going to lie.

But talk to me in a few weeks: I'll be used the kids and they'll be used to me; I'll have spare time!; I'll have money!!! Different story entirely. By that time, being an adult will rock. Did I mention I'll finally be getting steady paychecks and benefits? Money!

05 February 2007

One Day Down, 40 Years to Go.

So I had my first day of teaching. Well, assisting teaching. Babysteps after all. Things I remembered about high school:

  • Kids are still pretty immature, given the opportunity. Fair enough -- so am I.
  • Students can eat way more junk food than is ultimately fair. That stuff is like fat globs that latch onto my body and they burn it almost before they've finished eating it.
  • A classroom is a classroom is a classroom is a classroom.
  • I like school. And being a teacher.
  • I will never really have to feel like I'm working ever again. I mean, it's hard work, but I love it. Yay.
  • Underfunded schools let you wear jeans to work. I am in complete favor of that.

That is all for now. :)

03 February 2007

Updates, Updates Everywhere, and Not a Moment to Write

Hello, hello. I've got lots to update on! I am no longer working at the temp job... as of yesterday. And Monday will be the first day of me working at the high school! Yay for having a job that is actually my chosen career. I think that it will be intense and challenging, so of course I'm thrilled. The boy has a job and might even have a better job coming. I also interviewed with Sylvan and am hoping to work there too.

Workaholics unite!

It will be nice to have moolah. But naturally, that comes in several weeks when money catches up with me. Ah well. Eventually it will be nice.

I went to Vegas with the boy and the brother. Very much fun. I have pictures, but not enough time to put them on the computer. Hopefully within the month I'll have internet at home again and can fully satisfy my many internet addictions -- informing you all of my every move being a primary one.

Tucson is still awesome and wonderful. Due to a fabulous gift from my mommy, I got to eat at the Macaroni Grill last night. Not only the first time I've eaten at one, but also the first meal out in Tucson yet -- yes, it's been a month. Money is tight. ;)

The general synopsis? Life is very, very good and very, very busy.

13 January 2007


I got a job! It's just a temp job, but considering my paperwork was taking so long for teaching anyway... I think I am out of the teaching realm at least until summer school. I will be working for an advertising/marketing place that creates coupon flyers for malls. Fun. :) I get to make calls, file things, proofread copies -- all while wearing jeans! Go advertising position. It also actually uses some of my English degree which is a little nice too.

The best part is that I will have money in a few short weeks. It'd be nice to see some of this beautiful town. I've only been in the Walmart and Target. God bless gift cards.

11 January 2007

She's Alive

That's right, I'm back. After a whirlwind tour of the US, a al last holiday season, I am officially settled in Tucson... if I can find a job that is. :) It'd be awfully tragic if I had to pack up and come back. My overwhelming response to being back is PAPERWORK. It's so hard to get anything done. But what can you do? More hoops, more jumping.

It's still great to be back and it's even better to be in a place that has sunshine. I get to see my little (bigger, older) brother in just a couple weeks which is awesome. I will also get to see Vegas for the first time so I am pumped all the way around.

I think that Tucson might be awesome. Everyone who has spent time here has raved about it and I can see why. We lucked out on being in a good area and I even live blocks from my first ever Trader Joe's. Love. It.

So while I feel pretty stranded because I don't have a job yet. I am optimistic that I will only be flailing in the wind for a couple weeks -- substitute teaching here I come! (Do I have to put tissues up my sleeve and say things like 'whippersnapper?')