
07 February 2007

Work is Tiring

I think work makes me tired. There is also some realization that this is what I will do forever. Starting... two days ago. It's a daunting thought. I still enjoy it and I know that I want to do this and all. No early mid-life crisis; fear not. But still. People spend an awful long time working in their lives. Think of the sheer hours!

Whenever I start a job, I always feel like it takes up so. much. time. But eventually I will come home not tired. I won't have to hold off on sleeping for just another half hour. Things will settle. But I think I'm also aware that this is the one of the last big learning curves I have to go through professionally. Granted, there will be a big leap in helping (at times, co-teaching) to being my own teacher in my own classroom. But other than that, the only big stuff coming up in any reasonable amount of time is personal.

I mean, I've been going to school for20 years, if you include kindergarten. I mean, honestly. All that prep for... just this. It's anticlimactic, I'm not going to lie.

But talk to me in a few weeks: I'll be used the kids and they'll be used to me; I'll have spare time!; I'll have money!!! Different story entirely. By that time, being an adult will rock. Did I mention I'll finally be getting steady paychecks and benefits? Money!