
28 September 2006

Scents and Sensibility

I was walking through the library today, which I know is a huge shock, when I distinctly smelled homecoming or Spring Weekend. There was a mix of day old hairspray, perfume, slushie and (I swear!) vodka. Maybe this poor girl didn't really smell like all this, but I assume she just came into the library straight after a night of drinking, which I have to admire. To help with the sensory overload, it is getting to be the end of the school year, with summer well on its way. I am stuck in the library and I think it might be 1000 times more fun to be out partying for a weekend straight with my friends.

I was then slammed back to remembering the 7-11 guy who would sell slushies for higher prices during homecoming and spring weekend just because they went so well with vodka and nice weather. Then I remembered that it is homecoming weekend right now at Valpo (I think). Instead of hanging out with nostalgia and some of my nearest and dearest, I am in the library half a world away, working on my thesis.

I really am a grown up. Boo. Boo, I say.

27 September 2006

Book 'Em

I went to the police station today because I need fingerprints done for my Arizona certification. I wasn't even sure that it was a service that was provided because I could find no information on it. But I rang up and they seemed to be willing to fingerprint me -- and even for free. I went this morning and was not convinced at all that it was normal for me to come and get this done, but I needed it. After spending several minutes trying to explain what it was that I needed done and after producing three different forms of I.D. (I mean, really), I was brought to the booking room.

I was following this police officer (without a gun, heehee. NZ is so cute) through a maze of cell blocks. I felt the urge to make some joke reminding him that I was just here for the fingerprints, not the overnight stay, but it didn't seem appropriate. I saw so many locks and iron gates that I really was starting to get nervous. Plus, he was practically running me through the maze. Especially given my fantastic directional sense, I realized I would never be able to get myself back out of this wrought iron maze. Finally we get to the fingerprint room that is also (conveniently) where they take mug shots. It smelled a little like pee.

While I was getting printed, I heard what could have been some minor construction, but probably wasn't. Sure enough, the kind police officer asked me to excuse him and he went out to the hallway and began reaming out a guy named Wally. (Of course his name was Wally.)

-Wally! Keep it down in there!
-I will not be ignored!!!
-Yes you will. We got company!
(I tried not to be alarmed at being referred to as 'company'.)
-Ooh, what kind of company? (Still banging on his cell door...)
-Shut up, Wally! I'm gonna get someone in there!
-That's all I'm asking for! I refuse to be ignored!
-Bob! Get in there! Wally's gone crazy!!

Then, my officer came back in with a little smile and asked if I'd like to finish up and leave. Then back through the maze we went, after a brief detour past Wally to yell at him, and I was on my way.

Come to think of it, the whole place smelled rather like pee. I'm glad I was just visiting.

Fat Outlawed

They're banning fat. I mean, really? I disagree. And strongly. I think I can handle ordering my own food, thank you very much Mr Government.

Check it out.

26 September 2006

Quiz Time!

I got 15/15! I should! English teachers rule. ;)

Check out the spelling quiz...

MSN, Can you spell?

Epitome of Adulthood

I have been feeling rather grown up lately. I have been going to library at 8.30am and therefore getting up around 7 to shower, make my breakfast and lunch, do little things around the flat, etc. Then I have been given quite a bit more work at my filing job, full on making me a contact in the office increasing frantic phone calls and mail with my name on it. Very exciting. Yesterday I even had a lengthy discussion with a co-worker on the merits and shortcomings of market theory, first in education and then in various other capacities. I hung out laundry at 7.30 this morning making me feel beyond adult (and also out of a different era -- what I wouldn't give for a washing machine. Okay, well apparently, I wouldn't give $400... because that's how much they cost.), and headed off to the library, laptop bag in hand.

I was throwing out words, quality words, for my thesis like it was nothing. Proud of myself, I started proofreading and thought, I can use a source on that. Looking through my list of references, I saw Boehner. Then I thought, "Boehner. Ha, that sounds like boner... Boner. Heehee!"

I guess I'm not all that grown up after all.

Boner. Heehee.

24 September 2006

Hi, Nice to Meet You...

I'm That Girl. Good Lord, was I. I was at the library today just plugging right along on my thesis (I really am getting quite boring) and rocking out to some music. Suddenly, the girl next to me gets up and starts wandering around near my desk, as if she's trying to find the source of some noise, smell, or light. I gave her the "What are you doing, Freak Girl?" face and then she makes the face that prompts me to pull out my wee ear buds.

"Is that your music?"

As soon as I was ear bud free, I was horribly embarrassed to still hear my music, albeit faintly. In the process of paper shuffling, I had pulled the cord halfway out of my computer. My music was still in my ears, but also in the ears of my fellow study buddies. I turned several shades of red and apologized profusely, but I was humbled. I should be a little nicer to the loudies here at the library. Maybe they don't even know how irritating they're being. :) Maybe.

23 September 2006

Time to Switch

I have to switch churches. They make too many racist jokes. And gender jokes. Sad.

22 September 2006

Procrastination Patty

I'd just like to say I understand why people do not recommend working while finishing your Masters. It's hard. Due to a large SNAFU, I was at work until 5 (I know, real people work time) and then I had to go to the library to track down some more books. By the time I'd done that, it was 5.45. I was hungry, I was tired, I was done. I took the books home and read on the couch for a while, but only a couple hours. I was over it.

So I trucked on to the library at 9 (that's as early as they open) to once again hash into it. Fun. :) And I have been mocked because as much as I complain, I do like knowing the stuff I'm learning. So there. Regardless, I have devised a list of telltale signs that I am in the library meant to be studying:

  • all my post-its and highlighters are exactly parallel with the desk.
  • my email inbox is empty for the first time in months.
  • I have checked my email 47 times in the last 15 minutes.
  • the perfect studying playlist has been created (coincidentally, it's currently the soundtracks to Kill Bill and Kill Bill Vol. 2).
  • I've updated my blog. ;)
  • all my books and articles are organized by color coded paperclips, highlighting, and post-its, chronologically by use in the paper.
  • I've used the toilet three times in as many hours.
  • the deaths of all the Talky Talkersons have been plotted and perhaps illustrated on my notebook.

I would also like to reinforce the concept I described last year while writing my mini-thesis. Writing is like having the flu. You can prepare all you want, but it's still gonna suck. This feeling just builds up with no relief and then suddenly you just vomit it all up. You feel a lot better for a few minutes, but it all builds up again after that. You are pretty much disgusted by what's sitting in front of you. You smell; you haven't showered; you have ceased to care what you look like. All you want to do is lay in bed all day. You spend much of your time thinking, "It'll just be a little bit longer. I have to get over it eventually."

And eventually you just give in to it and plug along. It's horrible the whole time and afterwards just thinking about it can make you nauseous.

I do not recommend postgraduate education to any of those of you who can avoid it. Here ends today's allowed procrastination. See you tomorrow. :)

20 September 2006

Aw, That's So Cute!

I have been spending a little QT down here at the library (the locale from which I am currently procrastinating the inevitable completion of my thesis). I am using a different computer than my trusty ol' laptop because this one has endnote (I would go on about how much I am in love with that program, but I'm nerdy enough already). I had to get this computer set up to work on the school's network and while I was sitting at ITS having them be my technology slaves, I saw a sign for wireless. I was thrilled because they only just last year got broadband for the library (I know.).

I asked how far the network went to because I live only a few blocks from the library and asked about their network blockers. I just got a puzzled look from the ITS guy. I asked where all the wireless network worked, thinking I had spoken over his head. He then pulled out a map of the library and told me which areas would work. It doesn't even work through the whole friggin' building!!

Now, I know that New Zealand has a notoriously bad telecommunications set up down here. But honestly. In three months time, when they've had time to see "if it catches on or not"(?!), they might expand it to more areas of the library -- not the whole library, just "more areas". I can't wait to be back in the world of cheap internet and phones and everything.

Sigh. I guess they're trying.

19 September 2006

As the Countdown Continues...

I am starting to realise how much I am going to miss it here. Just a couple of examples:

  • Fairly often in the past couple months, I have seen this very old man on my way to work. He is carrying some kind of tiny dog. Every time he sees me, I give him a little smile and he always says, "Should have gotten me a horse!" And I laugh. This has happened about ten times. I still get the same joke and I still give the same smile.
  • I saw a 1984 Mitsubushi with dented doors, beat up body, and a funny odor with a for sale sign advertising it was a mere $4000. That is sort of a deal.
  • My gourmet vegetarian sandwich that I bought from the cafe by my work had: pumpkin, shredded carrot, pineapple, red bell peppers, bean sprouts, corn, lettuce, tomatoes, and cheese on it. When I commented on how it was different, they replied, "Yeah, we put cheese on them now."
  • I still find advertisements on TV that try to convince you that a dryer is a good idea because you shouldn't have to depend on the weather and that insulation is new technology. It certainly is a simpler place.

But... I will enjoy when I can get a vegetarian sandwich without corn in it. I will enjoy a cheap reliable car that isn't older than I am. I will enjoy central heating, double paned windows, screens, and insulation. But it's bittersweet.

16 September 2006

And Then I Cried

Last night was a welcome change of pace. Instead of working, working, or working, I went to my soccer team's Senior Prize Giving. I got a going away present that I wasn't expecting at all -- a hat with the club's logo on it (something I've been lusting after since we introduced them) and my jersey with my name printed on it and everyone's signature on it. It was great. And I cried. Then some other people cried. But it was fun because after all that crying (and lots of booze to fuel the sentiments), we played singstar. Which I hate. But! It was fun because the two good people would just compete with a whole group of people surrounding them, singing along. You get to belt out the tunes with all your peeps (yes, I said peeps) and your tone is not being rated for all to see. Trust me, I've heard me -- I already know I have no tone.

Then I got to see the inside of some bars again. Big relief. Though I did punk out early (at two though!!), and though I have no voice this morning, it was well worth it. I even still got up at 8 to do more work. I'm sick, man; so very sick. :)

14 September 2006

Education Sucks

Without going into too much detail, I think I am now officially jaded to the whole of education. My thesis is not going to be good. Well, I mean, it'll be well written, but after fighting and fighting to get it to be what I want, I am just giving up. My advisor wants it to be something different (by that I mean, something dumb). It will be worthy of a 2 page article in the Phi Delta Kappan with lots of pictures of flowers and A+ stickers in the background.

My apologies to those of you who think that the Phi Delta Kappan is hard, analytical, relevant material.

But I have decided that (for my own sake and sanity) I must focus on the silver lining. This is the reason I want to go into educational reform. I have yet to have seen a teacher who could teach education. I have had one who came close. That's it.

So while I will not let any of you read my thesis and while I'll probably be a little ashamed of it, it'll be done and it (or the degree itself, at least) will equip me to change things... in about two decades.

13 September 2006

Scheduled Return

Due in large part to the bank... I mean, my parents (love you guys!), I do now have my return to the States planned.

I will be back in the land of cheap convenience (which I miss desperately -- both the cheapness and the conveniences... oh, and all you people that live there) on the 22 November.

I will allow time for rejoicing and exultation....

Yay. :) :) :) :) :)

Oh, and :).

11 September 2006

Things That Are Dumb

  • Thesii (thesises?)
  • Deadlines
  • Money (only insomuch as I lack it)
  • Supervisors who don't supervise
  • Lately? TV. I'm over it.

Sublist! Things that I am over:

  • lack of centralised heating
  • long hair (on me)
  • working at a job that isn't my career
  • being a student
  • writing my thesis
  • walking everywhere
  • not having a car
  • only having four channels

I am, however, not in a bad mood. Just overwhelmed by things that are dumb/no longer novel and cute.

Things I am Looking Forward to:

  • turning in Boyfriend's thesis
  • reading a secret stash of good books I found
  • having a Master's degree

...The end.

09 September 2006

How? Why?!

Last week, I didn't watch Gilmore Girls. I felt I had better things to do as I recall. The week prior I had to miss it because I was at a BBQ. It is apparently in poor taste to halt a party for an hour to watch Gilmore Girls. Apparently.

Last night, I was sure to make time for one of my favourite shows. Only... it wasn't on. Some other dumb Canadian show was on. I quickly consulted an episode guide online to realise that I had missed the last two episodes of the season! I was shocked. I actually shed a small tear. Then I read the (eerily verbatim) episode guide of the last two episodes and cried more. Worse is that I will have no opportunity to watch these episodes for quite some time. How would I? They might have season one on DVD here in NZ, but definitely nothing that just happened. And probably not in the States even. I will just not know.

That'll teach me to put life before TV.

07 September 2006

I Fought the Stapler...

... and the stapler won.

It was tragic. I have been a bit harried at work lately because my entire division is stressed and I am the (for a polite term...) go-fer. I do this, I do that, I run to the hospital to deliver mail, I pick up contracts all over campus. I like the variety, but it gets stressful because I am doing all the stuff that needs to get done right now.

One handy fun thing I got to help me with my superhuman filing abilities is an electric stapler. It ran out of staples. In an attempt to refill it, it bit me. Hard. I have a blood blister. Ew, you say? Well, my thumb hurts. So we're even. :)

Note to self: Unplug, then refill.

06 September 2006

Forgetful Me

I am losing my mind. It's official. I left the house today and thought, "Crap. I forgot to take my multivitamin." Not a huge deal, but I always feel a bit off without it. No worries. Then I got to work and realised I hadn't put on deodorant. I mean, honestly. Who does that? Then I remembered that I hadn't brushed my teeth since breakfast either.

Luckily I remembered to trade my slippers for shoes before walking out the door. Almost didn't.

Forgot a notebook for a muy importante meeting after work. I'm going to have to use my trusty post it and pen combo (always in every purse I own) or steal a notebook from work for a day. Man, oh man.

Also, this was all made worse because I felt like a real live adult because I got my first piece of mail that was mailed in to ME. I am the file/mail girl. I open up and deal with the mail that has the big bosses names on it, but that they don't want to open. So here I am feeling worthless (and worried about how soon I will begin to smell) and I look down there is mail addressed to me. Because I am now a correspondent with faculty.

Being an adult is all an act, I tell you.

04 September 2006

Someone Best Get Me This

In my e-card searching, I came across this (www.evite.com). All I gotta say is that I better be getting this from somebody this February.

I'm in Love

Go to this website immediately. The shoes are my new favourite things ever. I found the site through a link from fabsugar. My new obsession is flats that are also cute. Boy howdy. Are these cute or what??

03 September 2006

I'm Going to Jinx It

The weather's been gorgeous. Now, by the time I stop writing this email, it will probably be hailing down upon Dunedin just to teach me about bragging. I just can't help it. It has been nice for days. When I say nice, I mean that is has been warm and sunny most of the time. For almost 5 days now! People are starting to worry about their gardens and sympathise with the farmers because it's been 5 days without rain. It's true though. My lawn doesn't look so good and my flowers are looking a bit parched. It's a land used to moisture.

I'm just happy there was a weekend of sunshine for once. I got to look at the botanical gardens and play with the birds in the aviary. I befriended a parrot that licked hands and even faces (though not mine, I tell you what). I have even been convinced that having a super smart parrot would be like having a flying dog. (Maybe you had to be there for the persuasive argument.) I get to bust out my skirts again without people shaking their heads and saying, "Your poor, poor legs." I get to use my sunglasses and not use the heater or electric blanket. My flat dries out. Mould suffers.

Again, I know I've jinxed it, but if I could get just a couple weeks of summer this year, I'd be so grateful.