
28 April 2007

When Do You Have Time?

I am not sure where time goes. I am not the first to say it, but time just speeds up as you get older. Sometimes, I get caught up thinking - it was already four months ago that I moved to Tucson, six months since I got back from New Zealand, three years since I left for New Zealand, and almost four years since I graduated from college. Now, it might not seem so shocking to you. I mean, people grow up, it happens. But when did I become an adult? I still don't even think of myself as one and I am sure grandmas in their 90s sometimes don't feel like it either.

On a more day-to-day basis, I am unsure how to pack my life into these tiny things called days. Working is really cramping my style. Don't get me wrong; I like my jobs. Both of them. I like teaching, I like the challenge, I like the kids, I like the work. But it sure is time-consuming. Think about that phrase. I am picturing the greater-than-alligator (you know the one; we all heard about him when learning about math in grade school) eating up the minutes on clocks. After working two jobs, doing laundry, dishes, making food, preparing for the next day, who has time to live anymore?? Two weeks in a row, I simply had no time to watch a new show that I like. It's only a half hour. I never even remembered to try to fit it in my schedule.

I guess these are the years to put the hard work in because I'm young, blah blah blah. But I don't want this to become a habit. Then, you hit 80 and realize you forgot to retire and you haven't a clue how to have some good old fashioned down time.

The moment I'm rich, I'm quitting my job. :)

The sad part is that we all know I'm lying. If I won the lottery tonight, even in the billions or something, I'd still show up at work on Monday. I blame you, Mom and Dad. :)

22 April 2007


Yesterday was quite the busy day. I feel that my posting has suffered from my "real life." These things happen.

I finally got a gym membership again. I can barely say that without jumping for joy -- which would be a great way to work out in and of itself. This is the first time in my life where I am this enthusiastic to be working out. It helps to be much fatter than you'd like to be. It also helps to have been much thinner just a mere six months ago. It also helps tremendously that I have to be a bride on a friggin' cruise ship in 14 months. Seriously, who coordinates their wedding with an occasion to spend a lot of time in swimwear? Whatever the reason, I am also happy to be getting healthier again. It's time to work off the months and months of ramen and pizza. The best thing is that they have cable TVs hooked up to most of the equipment (apparently some crazies don't like the cable TV addition to their workout). I mean, really? This is amazing. I was laughing through half of King of Queens before I realized I'd been working out for 15 minutes. Awesome. Well done, Gold's Gym. The other best thing (there are a lot of them) is that the membership is only 19 a month. No, I typed that right. Nineteen dollars a friggin' month. The other best thing is that they have a leather couch in the changing room and a jacuzzi and outdoor swimming pool! Now, I don't know what purpose a leather coach will serve me. I doubt I will lounge with cocktails and a magazine, but snazzy! And I also don't know that I will need a jacuzzi, but I bet that when I do need one it will be of utmost importance.

Just wonderful.

The other fun event of yesterday was the chaperoning of prom. That's right. I got to be there to oversee a prom. The stats were good: only 1 drunk girl (whose friend tried to tell me, "She just got so excited! She just needs to rest her head here in the bathroom." Oh teenagers.) , only 1 girl told to stop grinding her butt into her date who was slack jawed and in awe, and 0 fights! Considering my kids are a bit rough around the edges, this was an amazing turnout. I am tired this morning because evidently the only thing more exhausting than partying all night is tensely watching others party all night, hoping they don't mess up enough to enjoy the company of the friendly cops in the back of the room. A good time was had by all, but now I miss ghetto booty dancing to hits like the Humpty Dance and My Humps.

Summer trip with my VU girlies will have to be a rockin' good time.

14 April 2007

Stress Levels? Good.

Life is finally levelling out. You know they have those lists of top stressers in life? I had too many of them in the past six months. Thank God nothing like family dying or anything like that, but moving, moving countries, finishing school, new job, new second job, etc. Things are working on out. I have a bed now. This is good. Vacuum cleaner, check. So my needs are levelling out too.

It's like playing the Sims, which I do as often as humanly possible. You start out with nothing and gradually work your way there. I think I'm getting close. Then again, I'm not sure where "there" is to be getting to. But I'm on my way. :) And that's half the battle, isn't it?

Also, my new obsession is etsy.com. I think you should go there immediately, if not sooner. I found a person who is willing to make sweet wedding invites for approximately no money. I also dig on one of a kind stuff in general, so this is the place to get it.

Seriously, I should get paid for advertising.

09 April 2007

Domestic Goddess

I made potato and lentil pasties tonight.

From scratch.

That's right. It took me three hours and every dish in the house, but I totally did it. :) Now, I probably won't give up three hours of my every evening to create such a dish, but it did feel good. I felt like I worked and sweat (not in the food!!) for the meal.

I do have several more real recipes for this week, but I will probably have to take tomorrow night off. Veggie burgers on the Foreman sound awesome actually.

08 April 2007

A Small Announcement

I love Easter.

And Red Lobster.

And brunchtime Bloody Mary's.

05 April 2007

Meat Eater?

It might be time to start eating chicken.

I know.

But it's really hard to eat in a healthy way when every meal is comprised mostly of carbs. I am not necessarily anti-carb in general, but I don't do enough or have enough time in my day to do enough to work off the energy I am consuming. I need quality protein and it's just as simple as that.

I've never been a vegetarian for moral or ethical reasons, so it's not so much that, but still. I was a real vegetarian for a year, then a vegetarian who ate fish for three years now, and it might be time to add chicken to the diet.

I'm still mulling it over, but it might be time, kids.

03 April 2007

Warp Speed

Time is ridiculous. This is the longest short week ever. I get done with work and the day is over. Or, if I have the luxury of working only one job in a day, then I get home, do laundry, make lunches for the next day, set up coffee, iron some clothes, eat some dinner, and go straight to bed. I mean, really? Is this life? I fear that it is.

On a "silver lining" note, here are a few things I've heard recently from students:

  • You know, it is pretty awesome being hot. ~10 year old boy
  • Well, you know I'm pregnant, right? ~ 18 year old girl; Yeah, well who isn't? ~17 year old boy (Yeah, I teach at that school.)
  • Haha, you said, "Duty." ~ sadly, me
  • Who wants some free tickets to this movie? ~teacher; Me! I want three... no four! Five, I want five passes!! ~16 year old boy; You know ten people who want to see this movie?; What movie?
  • Wait, you want me to do my own work? Seriously?! ~18 year old boy

01 April 2007

Working, Working, Working...

I've been trying to think of something fun to announce on here or comment about. Unfortunately, I am pretty boring as of late. I have been working a ton and that's it. Though I have been introduced to Bruegger's Bagels which now defines my Sundays. So that's exciting.

Other than that, I only have boring things to tell you. I am starting to teach math at Sylvan. I mean, really? It's okay though. They gave me an answer key, thank God.
Earlier in the week, I think I was poisoned by organic food and am now disillusioned. I will still buy it though, because it is cheaper at Trader Joe's than the non-organic food. But man, food poisoning sucks.

I've also gotten rid of HBO and the other movie channels and gotten a subscription thing with Blockbuster. I feel I will never run out of movies to watch now. Thank God you can only take three out at a time or I would be so overwhelmed. Naturally, I have started my movie selection by picking things like The Pick of Destiny and Just My Luck... definitely classics. Worry not, I'll start watching the good ones soon.

By the way, when did horror movies dominate the shelves? I don't like these things and I don't like having to look through the scary pictures to find my little gems on the shelves. Apparently this means I am vouching for censorship, but maybe they could all just be in one section.

As you can see, this means not much is going on in my life. Well, lots is going on, but none of it makes for interesting posts. So I am off to play the Sims. Fun things happen on there. :)