
30 June 2007

Yay for Being Employed!

I officially have a full time job as an English teacher in a really great district. Is it time to get that first year of teaching under my belt??

27 June 2007

Tofurkey and Cockroaches

No, I am not talking about some crazy new sandwich idea. These are my two new obsessions. The cockroach is the American Cockroach and is the specimen that I found in my apartment complex outside. I must have had some scary dream about it a few nights ago because I had to turn my light on halfway through the night. Then I woke up every ten minutes or so, mumbling about cockroaches and checking over the room and myself before I could go to sleep again. I have been assured that I am being silly. I still have started the search for new apartments. So there. Plus, these are the biggest cockroaches ever and they are the best at flying. I mean, honestly.

Secondly, I love this tofurkey. It is delicious. It doesn't taste like turkey, but it does take like hickory smoked tofu. Yum. I have had three of these sandwiches today and it's only noon. Basically, throw some Swiss and a bit of mayo on the sandwich and Foreman-grill it and let heaven surround you. I kid you not. Eat it. Your life will never be the same. If you'd like to read more about this phenomenal product and others like it, read here.

26 June 2007

Colossal Cave!

This is the view from Colossal Cave Park.
And another.
Naturally, I took like five pictures before I realized that they just weren't working out. This is the best in-cave picture I took. Sad, but true.
Just to prove that it was Colossal Cave and not some other, less colossal cave.
This was taken from the car. We were on open range.

24 June 2007

Trip to LA with Mom and Dad.

Long Beach!
This cool Russian spy submarine. I may have made up the spy part. I don't remember, but doesn' t it seem cooler that way?
I am WAY TOO excited to be using the little PA system. But we were on a RUSSIAN SPY SUBMARINE!
You can't see the sign we are standing by, but it says absolutely no loitering or photography, etc. They were the directions to the spot that the hotel gave us. So... we are rebels.
Ha. I had to.

At Last!!

This is my dollfaced puppy. This is him checking out the camera for the first time. I think he looks cute here, some think he looks aggressive. You decide.
This is another where Tiko the Puppy appeared to be cute and innocent. Do not be fooled. But he is here with his prized possession -- the smaller stuffed puppy. It no longer has either eye, its nose, its tag, and its ear needed to be sewn back on. Theirs is a fickle love.
He is so small here! I will put some more pictures up soon. I wish I could get pictures of him peeing on the bed after he Houdinied out of his crate. Or maybe him trying to bite me as I'm feeding him (Has he not heard the famous saying?!). Perhaps the bark-bark-barking while I have to wash his toys? Oh well, you'll just have to go on believing he is adorable.
This is entitled Man and His Dog. Not really, but this is on the drive up the mountains near here. They conquered the mighty hill to overlook the miles of rock and cactus. Well, and me. But I was on the boring side with the highway.
This is a view also on the way up Mt. Lemmon in Tucson. I have already fallen quite in love with the desert. Once the puppy has all his shots (in two weeks!) we can venture out a bit more.

18 June 2007

Why the Lack?

I have not been blogging because I have tons of pictures and it keeps not letting me post them. I am on the case. Once I do figure it out though, I will post oh so many pictures and stories.