
27 June 2007

Tofurkey and Cockroaches

No, I am not talking about some crazy new sandwich idea. These are my two new obsessions. The cockroach is the American Cockroach and is the specimen that I found in my apartment complex outside. I must have had some scary dream about it a few nights ago because I had to turn my light on halfway through the night. Then I woke up every ten minutes or so, mumbling about cockroaches and checking over the room and myself before I could go to sleep again. I have been assured that I am being silly. I still have started the search for new apartments. So there. Plus, these are the biggest cockroaches ever and they are the best at flying. I mean, honestly.

Secondly, I love this tofurkey. It is delicious. It doesn't taste like turkey, but it does take like hickory smoked tofu. Yum. I have had three of these sandwiches today and it's only noon. Basically, throw some Swiss and a bit of mayo on the sandwich and Foreman-grill it and let heaven surround you. I kid you not. Eat it. Your life will never be the same. If you'd like to read more about this phenomenal product and others like it, read here.