
25 September 2005

I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane!!

I'm going to Fiji!!! I will be back to tell wonderful stories in just a few short weeks.

Sigh. The writing has paid off.

21 September 2005


So I realised today that I am boring. I have nothing of interest to write (note that it doesn't stop me from writing!) today or the past few days. I just study!

We have reached the apathetic portion of this month's fury of deadlines. I go to Fiji in just a few days and I can't even be bothered to be excited. Sure, sure. It'll be lots of fun. But I relate it to Christmas. When you're little, you look forward to it for SO LONG! And when it comes, it's like party central. But when you get older, you focus on what has to be accomplished in order to achieve that party. So you dread all the things you have to do - jaded, disillusioned. Well, Fiji is like that. Craploads to do before then.

Still. In case you were wondering, (and I'm sure you were) I'm still writing and still awaiting Fiji.

20 September 2005


I have rediscovered Tetris. I googled it and found a great little website. I'm not sure if the music is as good because I play at work (I love my job) and we don't have speakers. I don't know why I love it so much. Is it because I am slightly OCD and I like the organisation required? Is it because I played it tremendous amounts in my youth? Is it because I rule at it?

I'm just not sure.

Either way, I love that I have found this game again. It's keeping me young and sane amidst all these papers I am writing. Oh and PS- I'll be in Fiji in less than a week.

18 September 2005

I Adore Powerpoint

It's official: I was born to be in front of the classroom, not to be behind a desk. For a final presentation/project I have for a class, I have to make a powerpoint presentation to facilitate a discussion about my project for my online class.

Um, I love it. After having to write out every connection and every sentence in every paper so far this year, I love slapping up a powerpoint and saying, "Here are the main points. In what ways do you see this being influential to your teaching and to the profession?" Sigh of relief. I wish I could do powerpoint for every class. Plus, we are basically meant to teach our fellow classmates about a new concept and I find myself falling easily into the teaching role. I like grading more than writing. It might make me insane, but it's still true.

Just one more month. Oh, and a week and a day until Fiji!!

15 September 2005

Random Nostalgia

Sometimes you just miss simpler times...

Office Space

I got surprised with an opportunity to work some extra hours this morning. So here I sit, making up new kitchen rosters, answering phones, and delivering mail. Sadly, I adore it.

Much of my current life is dedicated to the eternal quest of the student - writing. I go to classes, I read articles, I write, I go to the library. Well, I really enjoy just being a simple little adult. It's not much of a job (or at least, I would hate it as a career) because I don't even do the full receptionist duties. I just make new pots of coffee, empty the dishwasher and do busy work, but it's nice to be in an office and have people be your equal.

Sure, sure, most people here are more professional than I, but you know how it goes: the receptionist is a good person to have on your good side. I can arrange things. Plus, it's just a good place to work; people treat you well because that's what you do.

Sigh. When do I get to be an adult for real and not just for pretend? Whose idea was this grad school thing anyway?

14 September 2005

I've Seen the Light

I guess I deserved it. I was walking past CFI (my work) yesterday and saw a crane, several university employees and a lightpost. Yup, they were changing a lightbulb. The jokes came rushing into my head but I decided that they were probably just following some asinine orders from above, so I couldn't be too hard on them.

Well, the university came back to bite me in the butt. They installed new lights across the little street outside my window. It's barely a street, with a few car parks and a connection to some stairs that lead to some dorms. So basically, not only is this new light the brightness of approximately half of a sun, but it has now brightly illuminated a path for drunk students to use with more regularity in the wee hours of the morning. Fabulous.

Seriously, my curtains (which are lined with some mysterious plasticy rubber substance to block out the cold) do not even begin to keep out this light. I wake up by myself, not an alarm clock so I woke up this morning thinking it was quite late and really it was 5.30am. Grr. Maybe I'm glad they're booting my butt out of that flat for next year. Jerks.

13 September 2005

RIP Goldfish

The title of this blog is irrelevant really, just a chalking I saw on the sidewalk that I thought was funny. Who would write that?

Anyway, I am fully enjoying a day off from writing, but thought I would share another reason why. I went to the library yesterday to pick up some books for a project I am doing. I had about ten or so books and went to the circulation desk. This is the conversation that followed between the check out guy and myself:

him: Sure is a nice day today, eh?
me: Yup.
him: Everyone's been getting piles of books today! Must be the great reading weather.
me: [pausing to search for sarcasm] Really?
him: Yeah, I mean, it's a great day for reading a book.
me: Actually, I would bet it's because it's the last month of school, deadlines and such.
him: Well, maybe.
me: Well, I don't usually get ten books on critical literacy and narrative inquiry for some light reading for one nice day.
him: Oh, I suppose not. I wonder if those other people were getting school books or fun books?
me: Gee, I guess we'll never know.

I mean, really. This is the same guy who, after I asked to see when The Life of Pi was due back in, said "Is that a recipe book?" This man shouldn't work in a library. Or near books. Or near me.

And that is just one reason why today has been blissful. No writing, no reading, no library, no nothing! Just fun times. Until tomorrow.

12 September 2005

You Know What Your Problem Is?

While that may be the most annoying question in the world, this time I'm saying it about myself. I am too much of a rut person. That's right. I like habits, I think I am a highly addictive person (like, me to things, not that people get addicted to me), and it eventually throws me off. It starts off small: I like vanilla custard craze yoghurt. Well, it's six months later and buying berry crumble rocks my world. That's a good rut. I change it up, good things happen.


For the past [insert however long I've been here], I have worked out on an almost daily basis, I have eaten rather healthily, I read all the articles I was supposed to and took notes, I have taken multivitamins, paid my bills on time, kept my flat (relatively) clean, cooked nice veggie crammed meals, gone to almost every single class (even though that would appear to be only a suggestion), and made leaps and bounds in saving money (for me). Lately, I have kept to Kelley's brilliant plan of writing 1000 words a day to keep deadlines at bay. And you know what? I am tired of it. Time for a new rut. I want to run away into the mountains and go camping and read books and just hang out until schools starts up again in February. I want to eat nothing but Toffee Pops (chocolate/caramel cookies) and salt and vinegar chips and sit on my butt doing nothing. I want to get a new tattoo or piercing to remind that "I am too a rebel!" I want to eat fine cheese and drink fine wine and scoff at the people busily rushing off to their jobs.


I have a month and a half of school left. I have deadlines that need to be finished with a bit of ferocity. This is perhaps the most pivotal month of school all year and I hit apathy right about... now. I've never had good timing, but at least Fiji is in the middle of that month and a half. And back to the library I go.

11 September 2005

Not About School

Hurrah, I finally have something to talk about besides school (not that the insane write-a-thon is over). We had our soccer banquet this weekend and I won a trophy!

At first, I thought we were all going to get "participant" trophies, which actually, I would have loved. Unfortunately, no. But I did win the Most Improved Player trophy. I was quite pleased because it was completely unexpected, but it has provided me with some great advice for joining new sports. Always fall down your first practice. That's what I did and now everyone thinks I'm amazing... for the girl that fell down on the first practice. :)

In addition to a cool trophy (with my name spelled wrong, just like always), we got heaps of free food, including veggie burgers. They aren't good, but at least New Zealand is trying. I also got two pieces of cheesecake (one purple, one red) and a nice evening of hanging out with people who couldn't care less about qualitative research and the history of New Zealand's educational reform. Ah. What a nice little evening it was.

And now... back to writing.

09 September 2005

Pray for Rain

Again, paper writing has sabotaged my brain. This time, I find myself hoping that it will rain, that my soccer game (for fun) will be cancelled and that people would stop inviting me to parties. I know, I know. It's insane.

Yesterday was a glorious day, complete with kids bbq-ing, playing frisbee, and jamming while singing "If you like pina coladas..." Sounds perfect, right? Well, no. Not if you are sitting inside glued to your computer and literally surrounded by and (almost literally) drowning in articles on collaborative professional development in education. And today, with the soccer banquet looming, with the promise of free food and drink, I find myself thinking, "Man... maybe they won't notice if I don't show up." I hoped today would bring rain to keep me indoors and free from the guilt of skipping the fun soccer game.

When will this month be over? (And don't tell me... "In 21 days!") I am just hating the fact that I have written 10,000 words in recent history and have yet to be able to celebrate completion of any assignment even though I have finished two! Bah. There are like ten people in the same program as me. We take almost identical classes. Professors who know this, but continue to make all their deadlines nonexistent until the last month of classes suck... especially since all these classes are year long.

08 September 2005


Reason # 543 that writing papers is ruining my life: It's infecting how I think. You may argue that this is the reason for writing papers; it's meant to change how you think, otherwise it'd just be another busy work assignment. This, however, is beyond the call of higher education.

As you are probably aware if you have met me, I am obsessed with movies. Well, and plays, operas, and TV. There might be something in that, but if it ain't broke... In the past couple weeks, I have seen a production of Hamlet and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Both of which I found wonderfully entertaining, I might add. My concern is more for the fact that I start thinking of such productions in terms of how I would write an essay about them. There are several causes for concern in this.

First, I feel a sense of relief, as if being able to write about the arts again (go, English majors, go) would be a cakewalk compared to "professional writing". Secondly, I pick out quotes as I go along to prove my theory of a theme. I was literally trying to memorise portions of the Oompa-Loompas' songs in order to justify my theme. This is not normal. There is an argument for keeping a written journal about your teaching because one side effect is that you will start thinking about your teaching as something needing to be analysed on paper. Great. Works for teaching, but lay off my social/entertainment life. Stupid higher education; I loathe thee.

07 September 2005

Those Crazy Kids

Okay, I never write this early, so if this is nonsensical, it's definitely not my fault. I am sitting here at my computer with my morning routine, which consists (sadly) of checking email and away messages before I venture out of my warm, warm room to go work out, usually having to walk through torrents of rain. Well, my computer and desk are right by my windows and usually my curtains cover them up completely, but today I can see the people walking by.

It is still before eight o'clock in the morning. A lot of kids walk by for class. Alright, first off, they suck for picking 8am classes. No one to blame but themselves. The kicker, however, is that they are all showered and dressed. I mean, like college kids looking like Seventeen magazine (I would say Cosmo, but please, these kids are like 19). I know that kids did this at Valpo, but there were only a few of them; and okay, honestly, how would I ever see them?

All I know is, I thought an 11.50am class was too early to shower for more often than not. I mean, you already have to wake up early to eat lunch with the crew. And yes, by early I mean you had to be in the cafeteria at 11. My only hope is that this small percentage of the population is just bigger because this is a real school with real numbers in attendance. If not, these kids are freaks.

SIDENOTE: While typing this, I rubbed my eyes as I am inclined to do when I am sleepy. My rubbing was so ferocious apparently that I tore both contacts in my eyes!! Insane. Luckily, I have stockpiles of such things. Still... weird.

06 September 2005

Bad Mommy

No, not my mom. My mom happens to rule. But some mothers, well, suck. I was walking back home from work today. I live on student central. Not really, but that's what they should call it. It's all student flats, and it looks the part. Well, I heard screeching coming from down the street. This was odd for so many reasons. Students are by nature more laid back than most; Kiwis are more laid back than others. By definition, this should be one of the most relaxed areas in the world (well, basically).

This mother was screaming up at her son (from street to doorway of house) for ruining her new flower. I kid you not: "You just put my lunch on a flower I spent fifty dollars... FIFTY dollars on! Are you proud of yourself?! Where do you get your brains, genius?!" Okay, his apology was really this: "Sorry Mom, I just wanted to give you a nice lunch I made; I didn't see your flower. I meant to be nice..." He trailed off then as his mother tore him a new pooper.

Seriously, what is wrong with this woman? First, why did she spend $50 on a plant? Why was it more important than the home cooked meal her 19 year old made her? Some people... Plus, her locale was stupid. Don't ream out your adult child in the center of studentville. It's just plain unnecessary and tactless. Reason # 187 my parents are better than most.

05 September 2005

Don't Worry, Folks

I know what you might be thinking. "Annika hasn't posted much in the past few days... I wonder, I really wonder, if she's run out of things to say!!" Fear not, loyal readers. You can depend on me to have years and years of irrelevant and unnecessary chatter come pouring out.

However, I am a bit swamped at the moment. I am sure that you will get to see little outbursts of commentary from me, but mostly it will be ranting about how much I hate the kids in the library and how much stupid assignments rule my worthless life for the time being.

Not that you'll never hear an upbeat update from me ever again. I am just warning you that the next month might be all about whatever I end up researching and then bragging about Fiji. If you're up for it, by all means, you're welcome to read it. If not, check back in a month or so when life has regained its normal balance. :)

02 September 2005

Jailhouse Blues

Yup that's a picture of how I got myself to study. I locked myself up in the library. Unfortunately, I still have internet which means I am taking my billion-th break. I think this really is the best place for me to study. I love these little cubicle things they have. I found the perfect one. It's near a pillar so it's kind of hard to get out of. The light above me is broken so it's slightly darker than others. Across the building from me (my usual view is staring at people who are meandering about the library), is a huge brick wall.

Yup, I love being a student! :) In all honesty, once I cut myself off from other people and, well, as much stimulation as I could I am pretty efficient. I am almost done with this paper that isn't due until Tuesday morning. That means I can work on transcribing my own interview (stupid Fiji costing me all my money... now I'm too broke to pay someone to transcribe for me) for Wednesday. Then all I have to do is finish my thesis and write two papers and a presentation. But then, oh man, then I am so ready for Fiji.

Oh and did I mention the coffee place is closed in the library for the weekend? I know. I'm a saint here.

01 September 2005

Stupid TV

What is it about TV? I had such good plans for today. I was going to write a lot! I was going to write enough that this month won't be a hellfire and damnation downpour of deadlines. Instead, I wrote approximately 2oo words and am now retreating to my bed to watch TV and knit. Either I am really an 80 year old woman in the body of 23 year old, or I am having some motivation problems.

School is tough. I think I will make a great teacher for knowing this. When there is a half hour of school left on the second to last Friday of school, I will empathise. When they have to do some stupid assignment of mine (that will be required by administration, not of my own devices, of course), I will empathise. I mean, I'll sort of laugh and say, "You ain't seen nothing yet, my friends!" But still, I'll feel their pain.

School is long and arduous. If I wasn't picking all my own paper topics and making my own schedule, I'd so be outta here. So go New Zealand for finally figuring out a way for me to have to blame myself if school sucks. Still. I have like two months of school left before summer and I can't friggin' wait.