
06 September 2005

Bad Mommy

No, not my mom. My mom happens to rule. But some mothers, well, suck. I was walking back home from work today. I live on student central. Not really, but that's what they should call it. It's all student flats, and it looks the part. Well, I heard screeching coming from down the street. This was odd for so many reasons. Students are by nature more laid back than most; Kiwis are more laid back than others. By definition, this should be one of the most relaxed areas in the world (well, basically).

This mother was screaming up at her son (from street to doorway of house) for ruining her new flower. I kid you not: "You just put my lunch on a flower I spent fifty dollars... FIFTY dollars on! Are you proud of yourself?! Where do you get your brains, genius?!" Okay, his apology was really this: "Sorry Mom, I just wanted to give you a nice lunch I made; I didn't see your flower. I meant to be nice..." He trailed off then as his mother tore him a new pooper.

Seriously, what is wrong with this woman? First, why did she spend $50 on a plant? Why was it more important than the home cooked meal her 19 year old made her? Some people... Plus, her locale was stupid. Don't ream out your adult child in the center of studentville. It's just plain unnecessary and tactless. Reason # 187 my parents are better than most.