
02 September 2005

Jailhouse Blues

Yup that's a picture of how I got myself to study. I locked myself up in the library. Unfortunately, I still have internet which means I am taking my billion-th break. I think this really is the best place for me to study. I love these little cubicle things they have. I found the perfect one. It's near a pillar so it's kind of hard to get out of. The light above me is broken so it's slightly darker than others. Across the building from me (my usual view is staring at people who are meandering about the library), is a huge brick wall.

Yup, I love being a student! :) In all honesty, once I cut myself off from other people and, well, as much stimulation as I could I am pretty efficient. I am almost done with this paper that isn't due until Tuesday morning. That means I can work on transcribing my own interview (stupid Fiji costing me all my money... now I'm too broke to pay someone to transcribe for me) for Wednesday. Then all I have to do is finish my thesis and write two papers and a presentation. But then, oh man, then I am so ready for Fiji.

Oh and did I mention the coffee place is closed in the library for the weekend? I know. I'm a saint here.