
09 September 2005

Pray for Rain

Again, paper writing has sabotaged my brain. This time, I find myself hoping that it will rain, that my soccer game (for fun) will be cancelled and that people would stop inviting me to parties. I know, I know. It's insane.

Yesterday was a glorious day, complete with kids bbq-ing, playing frisbee, and jamming while singing "If you like pina coladas..." Sounds perfect, right? Well, no. Not if you are sitting inside glued to your computer and literally surrounded by and (almost literally) drowning in articles on collaborative professional development in education. And today, with the soccer banquet looming, with the promise of free food and drink, I find myself thinking, "Man... maybe they won't notice if I don't show up." I hoped today would bring rain to keep me indoors and free from the guilt of skipping the fun soccer game.

When will this month be over? (And don't tell me... "In 21 days!") I am just hating the fact that I have written 10,000 words in recent history and have yet to be able to celebrate completion of any assignment even though I have finished two! Bah. There are like ten people in the same program as me. We take almost identical classes. Professors who know this, but continue to make all their deadlines nonexistent until the last month of classes suck... especially since all these classes are year long.