
07 September 2005

Those Crazy Kids

Okay, I never write this early, so if this is nonsensical, it's definitely not my fault. I am sitting here at my computer with my morning routine, which consists (sadly) of checking email and away messages before I venture out of my warm, warm room to go work out, usually having to walk through torrents of rain. Well, my computer and desk are right by my windows and usually my curtains cover them up completely, but today I can see the people walking by.

It is still before eight o'clock in the morning. A lot of kids walk by for class. Alright, first off, they suck for picking 8am classes. No one to blame but themselves. The kicker, however, is that they are all showered and dressed. I mean, like college kids looking like Seventeen magazine (I would say Cosmo, but please, these kids are like 19). I know that kids did this at Valpo, but there were only a few of them; and okay, honestly, how would I ever see them?

All I know is, I thought an 11.50am class was too early to shower for more often than not. I mean, you already have to wake up early to eat lunch with the crew. And yes, by early I mean you had to be in the cafeteria at 11. My only hope is that this small percentage of the population is just bigger because this is a real school with real numbers in attendance. If not, these kids are freaks.

SIDENOTE: While typing this, I rubbed my eyes as I am inclined to do when I am sleepy. My rubbing was so ferocious apparently that I tore both contacts in my eyes!! Insane. Luckily, I have stockpiles of such things. Still... weird.


Nick Owens said...

stop rubbing your eyes so hard ;)...