
14 September 2005

I've Seen the Light

I guess I deserved it. I was walking past CFI (my work) yesterday and saw a crane, several university employees and a lightpost. Yup, they were changing a lightbulb. The jokes came rushing into my head but I decided that they were probably just following some asinine orders from above, so I couldn't be too hard on them.

Well, the university came back to bite me in the butt. They installed new lights across the little street outside my window. It's barely a street, with a few car parks and a connection to some stairs that lead to some dorms. So basically, not only is this new light the brightness of approximately half of a sun, but it has now brightly illuminated a path for drunk students to use with more regularity in the wee hours of the morning. Fabulous.

Seriously, my curtains (which are lined with some mysterious plasticy rubber substance to block out the cold) do not even begin to keep out this light. I wake up by myself, not an alarm clock so I woke up this morning thinking it was quite late and really it was 5.30am. Grr. Maybe I'm glad they're booting my butt out of that flat for next year. Jerks.