
29 October 2006

Time to Catch Up

I know... it's been ages. But here's what's going on (that has nothing to do with my thesis):

  • supervising exams still sucks. And now I am all over the campus, with some very entertaining stories about crazy, Nazi-like supervisors. These stories shall wait; it's painful enough to have to sit still for 7 hours a day (not including all the active portions of exams such as collecting exams and name slips and running to the toilet every four minutes). But oh, they're coming.
  • The World Series happened apparently. I was reading up on a celebrity blog (what passes for news for me) and it was mentioned. Now, I guess I knew it was coming up; I have friends who like baseball and I know they mentioned it. But it's still odd to me how monumental sporting events that I've grown up with can just fade into the background here. That being said, I have never watched the World Series (or any baseball, for that matter; excluding if I knew someone playing, or I just went because I had free tickets). I only watch the Superbowl for the commercials, and not the whole game. Too much football for not enough commercials. It's still nice, however, to get the deluge of advertising and trash talking between fans. I miss it.
  • Vegemite (and, I'm assuming, Marmite) have been OUTLAWED in the States. Now, I wish I could link to some nice article about this, but I am too lazy to find one. This little tidbit was told to me by a very reliable source and I am devastated. Devastation does not begin to describe it, actually. Apparently it has too much yeast or something. I was anticipating bring large jars of it back to the States with me. This means I cannot do that. I cannot have it sent to me in the States by friends here. I cannot eat it unless I leave the country!!! I will be living close to Mexico, so maybe I can go over for black market Marmite. How sad. Now I have to eat it like there's no tomorrow... because for Marmite? There is no tomorrow.
  • They are beginning to look at a new smoking ban in New Zealand: no smoking in your own car. I am not even a smoker and I am offended. The argument is that the toxins stay in the car and any unwitting passengers that come in after you've finished smoking will suffer. Ridiculous.

That is all, friends. Hopefully, I will find more time to update you on my oh-so-exciting life. :)

25 October 2006


I am still alive, I promise. I am working way too many hours for sanity to prevail, but that's what happens sometimes.

The thesis is done.... sort of. I am waiting on the final okay from my supervisor. So I'm done, but definitely not done as well. I am sort of hating it. I just want to turn it in, come what may. But I only say that now; I'd also rather like to get my Masters.

Does anyone fail?? Does anyone write a 100 page paper and not get the title? Because that would blow. Blow like nothing has ever blown before.

We are also in less-than-a-month territory for my return to the States and I am really excited. Not that NZ sucks or anything, but I am tired of no real job, no real income, etc. Stability, I crave thee; who knew?

20 October 2006


I am drowning in thesis!! I think I'll be alright, but man oh man. We have Labor Day Weekend (yes, it's different) this weekend, so I get a three day, paid weekend to finish this dreadful thing. Then, I focus all my time on my 10 hours of work a day. Oh, and it is officially a day less than month until I leave for the States and a month until I get to the States. So. Much. To. Do. I apologize for the drought of normal posts. Drowning in papers, I tell you.

Hello, you pretty light at the end of the tunnel. Focus on light, not tunnel, focus on light, not tunnel. Whew.

15 October 2006

I Rule

And am humble. Promise.

I was sick, sick, sick this weekend. My sinuses hurt so bad I had to take headache stuff as well as cold stuff. I slept all weekend. Almost literally. I did work on my thesis (because I'm hardcore) and also I went to a play on Sunday because I had already paid for the tickets and was feeling a bit better, but mostly I slept. I slept more than a cat. But, I have conquered the illness. I only have a bit of a sore throat today, which I think is remarkable.

As I still have work to do on my thesis (though there are less than 30 pages left!!), I have work still, and on Wednesday, I start proctoring exams again. Such the schedule!!

Also, I will be back on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again, in just over a month now. So much to do!

12 October 2006


I am officially a computer nerd. Loves it.

Counting My Eggs...

I am so excited to have a real life. I know it sounds silly because everyone loves college, but I am so excited to have a real job, a real income, a real apartment... everything. Life is sweet. But, I found this website for getting puppies from the humane society; you can find them for any city, but you can look at pictures of animals you can adopt!! So excited!

Now, that will be months away, but still. Not too many months away! I've also spent most of my free time at work today looking at apartments and trying to learn about Tucson (yes, I'm a nerd).

It's sad to be leaving NZ, especially when it's actually getting hot today! But I am excited to be done being a temporary person, a student, and poor. :) Woohoo, real life.

11 October 2006

Funny Feeling

I get these E.S.P. feelings sometimes. I would call it Impending Doom, but it isn't always bad. So if you are someone I know and something big is happening to you, let me know! I don't like this mild tummy ache!

And just to be on the safe side, be careful everyone. :) Thanks and good day.

09 October 2006

Spring Snow

It snowed this morning. I took a picture, so I'll put it up later, but it snowed. Did we beat the American first snow? Because, remember, it's almost summer here. It has been the craziest weather ever here today. When I woke up, it was so sunny that it hurt my eyes to look outside. A half hour later, it was pouring. Then five minutes later, there was snow so big that I actually doubted that it was real. It's been alternating between rain and sun, all with gusty winds. It's days like this I wish I had a car.

08 October 2006

Happy Birthday!!

Boo. I tried to put a beautiful picture up of my darling brother, but "there were errors". Sad. But it's his birthday! Yay! Happy birthday to the best brother ever. See you at Thanksgiving, Bro-town.

Update: here is my brother!!

07 October 2006

A is for Annika

I got to go to a party yesterday. It was a theme party. You had to go as something that started with the same letter that your first name starts with. Creative (but really!). So I went as... an annoying American. It was fun. Came very natural to me. I got to wear a hoodie and "sneans" (the dreaded jeans and sneakers combo) and carry around a camera and a map. My intent was to ask someone to consult the map with me whenever I moved to a different room in the house, but thankfully I forgot about that trick early on.

Also, I got to introduce beruit finally!! (Or beer pong to you non-Valpo goers.) It was great because kids would walk in the room and be intimidated by the beruit table, which is especially odd and as it is/was a staple of most Valpo parties and parties that Valpo alum still hold. But I did my part to bring culture to this corner of the world -- and they loved it.

The thesis shall not overcome. I am just under halfway done, so that's good news. I deserved a night off! ;)

04 October 2006

Another Present for Annika

Someone should buy me this...
from the ever popular www.bustedtees.com.

Yes, I'm Actually Working on my Thesis!

Words are taking over my life. To read more hilarity, click here.

03 October 2006


This is the coolest thing ever. As soon as I have a lawn, I want them. Check out these "gnome-be-gones" and other coolest things ever here.

02 October 2006

Home Offices and Buffet Mania

I have abandoned the library. I now hate it. It was my own fault, really -- it did nothing wrong. After spending several hours every day there, however, I was sick of it. My collar bone even began to have a dent from where the laptop bag dug in several times a day. Instead, I sleep in a little later, get up and work in my pj's. I am shockingly more productive. It's more than appropriate to get up and wander around, make a cup of tea, and talk to yourself (through a thesis point, naturally...), and just take a bit of a break. You can spread your papers all over the room instead of a tiny table and most importantly NO CHATTY KATHYS. This is by far the best reason for working at home. Plus, it cuts down on transition time. Walking to the library and setting up, then packing up only 2 hours later to trot down to work, then setting up again to pack up only 2 hours later again (I'm confining myself at this stage to the 9-5 workday). Too much bustle, not enough hustle. I'm happier.

Don't worry; I'm sure I'll hate my flat in about two weeks time.

Then last night, on a journey to buy more soy sauce (when do I not need more soy sauce?) I made the rash decision to eat out instead. Buffet style. NZ is expensive so buffets don't always seem like the best deal. Pizza Hut has their dinner buffet... for $20 per head. Good Lord. No thanks. This dinner buffet was 14 dollars, which is definitely not bad. Oh, and I ate. They had unlimited sushi and pumpkin soup. That primarily what I ate, though I did gorge myself on oranges and spring rolls too. Top that off with an ice cream with sprinkles? Ohh, I am happy. The only sad part is I only just realised that this place was so good. I leave in less than two months. That's a lot of buffet to make up for!

I'm up for the challenge!