
15 October 2006

I Rule

And am humble. Promise.

I was sick, sick, sick this weekend. My sinuses hurt so bad I had to take headache stuff as well as cold stuff. I slept all weekend. Almost literally. I did work on my thesis (because I'm hardcore) and also I went to a play on Sunday because I had already paid for the tickets and was feeling a bit better, but mostly I slept. I slept more than a cat. But, I have conquered the illness. I only have a bit of a sore throat today, which I think is remarkable.

As I still have work to do on my thesis (though there are less than 30 pages left!!), I have work still, and on Wednesday, I start proctoring exams again. Such the schedule!!

Also, I will be back on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again, in just over a month now. So much to do!