
29 October 2006

Time to Catch Up

I know... it's been ages. But here's what's going on (that has nothing to do with my thesis):

  • supervising exams still sucks. And now I am all over the campus, with some very entertaining stories about crazy, Nazi-like supervisors. These stories shall wait; it's painful enough to have to sit still for 7 hours a day (not including all the active portions of exams such as collecting exams and name slips and running to the toilet every four minutes). But oh, they're coming.
  • The World Series happened apparently. I was reading up on a celebrity blog (what passes for news for me) and it was mentioned. Now, I guess I knew it was coming up; I have friends who like baseball and I know they mentioned it. But it's still odd to me how monumental sporting events that I've grown up with can just fade into the background here. That being said, I have never watched the World Series (or any baseball, for that matter; excluding if I knew someone playing, or I just went because I had free tickets). I only watch the Superbowl for the commercials, and not the whole game. Too much football for not enough commercials. It's still nice, however, to get the deluge of advertising and trash talking between fans. I miss it.
  • Vegemite (and, I'm assuming, Marmite) have been OUTLAWED in the States. Now, I wish I could link to some nice article about this, but I am too lazy to find one. This little tidbit was told to me by a very reliable source and I am devastated. Devastation does not begin to describe it, actually. Apparently it has too much yeast or something. I was anticipating bring large jars of it back to the States with me. This means I cannot do that. I cannot have it sent to me in the States by friends here. I cannot eat it unless I leave the country!!! I will be living close to Mexico, so maybe I can go over for black market Marmite. How sad. Now I have to eat it like there's no tomorrow... because for Marmite? There is no tomorrow.
  • They are beginning to look at a new smoking ban in New Zealand: no smoking in your own car. I am not even a smoker and I am offended. The argument is that the toxins stay in the car and any unwitting passengers that come in after you've finished smoking will suffer. Ridiculous.

That is all, friends. Hopefully, I will find more time to update you on my oh-so-exciting life. :)