
01 November 2006

No Tricks OR Treats!

Halloween is such a non-event here. I guess I was vaguely aware that it was Halloween. But I sat exams and no one showed up in a costume and I never saw any storefronts decorated. I saw not one jack o latern. The only pumpkins I saw were grey and in the store... for eating.

No trick or treaters and no university-aged girls dressed up as slutty cops, slutty nurses, slutty maids, slutty nuns, or the variety of other creative female costumes. And the boys weren't any better. No costumes. No candy.

I'm starting to miss home pretty bad. Granted, I get to come home in like two weeks (18 days, but who's counting?). I cannot complain. At dinner last night, I enjoyed a nice coversation about all the things that would be great about America:
"Target! Remeber Target?!"
"3-packs of tshirts for under 30 dollars!"
"Two words: Taco Bell."
"Oh, restaraunts? Oh man, this is going to be a long list: Olive Garden, TGIFridays, Applebees, Red Lobster-"
"MEXICAN FOOD!!" (that was me.)
"Okay, okay, but what about heat?"
"True, and cheap heat at that."
"Oh God, Walmart. I know it's evil, but I can't wait to afford stuff again!"

Sigh. I like it here, I do. But I'm ready, man. It turns out America really is awfully convenient. :) Who knew?