
16 November 2006

Wrapping Up

Whew, kids. It's been a while since I had time to write. I don't know that I have time to write now, but I am doing it. Let's update, shall we?

Job: I am working this one week temp job and today is my last day. I've nothing for it. I consider myself a hard worker, but I think that there is just nothing to do. I am here "just in case". That is good, as it allows(ed?) time for working on my thesis. But that's a whole other bullet point. I feel very guilty, nonetheless, sitting here and doing nothing. But I've run out of holiday shopping (ideas only - internet style), recipe gathering (those are coming your way soon, Mom), and news reading. Because let's be honest, I don't like reading the news. I should, I know. But I don't. After a grand ol' week, I am sick of the internet. But I am getting much more daring in what I will do on this computer that everyone can see. I was just checking myspace. Honestly. I am getting paid. It's silly, really. So there's that then.

Thesis: Well, it's almost done? I don't know. It's been "done" for well over a month now, but I have to do little revisions and I have been doing them all week while I have been at "work". But I am waiting for hopefully the last set of "Do this and it's done" comments. Here's hoping. This wretched piece of Microsoft Word and Endnote better not follow me home. Or heads are going to roll. Seriously. :)

Teaching: So I never got certified. I am vaguely remembering thinking things like, "Well, I'll be going to grad school first and graduation is so busy. I'll just take care of that later." Oops. That's really coming back to haunt me. It shouldn't be too big of a deal as I've technically done all I need to to be considered certified, I just haven't signed papers. Once I am in the same country as said papers, life will be a bit easier. [Note: I've taught already though. I mean, I taught summer school after I graduated. Should I announce to the world that I taught kids without my certification sorted? I personally think it's funny.]

Packing: Packing is wretched as well. I am not going to be able to bring anything home with me really. I was hoping, but I didn't prepare and now it's so close. Boo. My friends are getting some sweet pictures/paintings thingys. Goodbye decorations. But some of them were too girlie anyway I suppose. And I guess I have to get out my red, white, and black phase at some point. In addition to packing, though, there is cleaning. Mold. It's everywhere and probably not helping the cold I've had all week. It's just ridiculous though. There was mold when I moved in; there will be mold when I move out. Such is life. But I'll clean all I can, with the understanding that I've already gotten my bond back. So... you know. I'll try.

Leaving: I am leaving so soon!! I leave on Tuesday here, and arrive on Tuesday there. Tuesday! That is so soon! I am really finishing up the "lasts". The last time I see this show, the last time I eat here, the last time I see this. Man. How has it been almost two years? It's insane really. I had some co-workers take me out for lunch yesterday at the ever wonderful Staff Club. [I will always love the Staff Club. I always felt like a stowaway even though postgrads are definitely allowed, as well as staff, which I also am. Plus, I'm pretty sure anyone can go. You don't have to show ID, but I always felt so naughty going there. It's great.] They asked me if I was happy that I came here to NZ. Definitely. But I'm ready to come home. Maybe the whole reason I had to leave was so that I could say that one sentence. I'm pretty sure I've never said it before unless I was ten and ill. But I am definitely ready.

Snow: I am so happy to see snow. I am so happy to see Thanksgiving in AMERICA. That's where they celebrate it, you know. :) I had someone ask me the story of Thanksgiving. I gave the first grade answer, which is basically all I know (though I've since looked it up and it's more or less what I thought). He asked if it was like the Treaty of Waitangi. That's the treaty that was made between European settlers and the native people here in New Zealand, the Maori. I had to respond with, "Well, no. After Native Americans helped the Europeans live for those first few years, they sorta killed the Native Americans off. Well, not completely. I guess." Oh, America. :) But I am very happy to have a proper Thanksgiving. I had a mini-Thanksgiving with another American last year. Though that was great, nothing beats family. So bring on the tofurkey, kiddos, I'm on my way.

Whew. Update central. I might write more before I hop on a plane. I am sad at my lack of interesting posting lately. The blog was mostly supposed to be a way to keep people aware of my life while I was here in New Zealand. We'll see. Life afterwards might be entertaining too. It's a bit up in the air now. ;)