
05 September 2005

Don't Worry, Folks

I know what you might be thinking. "Annika hasn't posted much in the past few days... I wonder, I really wonder, if she's run out of things to say!!" Fear not, loyal readers. You can depend on me to have years and years of irrelevant and unnecessary chatter come pouring out.

However, I am a bit swamped at the moment. I am sure that you will get to see little outbursts of commentary from me, but mostly it will be ranting about how much I hate the kids in the library and how much stupid assignments rule my worthless life for the time being.

Not that you'll never hear an upbeat update from me ever again. I am just warning you that the next month might be all about whatever I end up researching and then bragging about Fiji. If you're up for it, by all means, you're welcome to read it. If not, check back in a month or so when life has regained its normal balance. :)