
01 September 2005

Stupid TV

What is it about TV? I had such good plans for today. I was going to write a lot! I was going to write enough that this month won't be a hellfire and damnation downpour of deadlines. Instead, I wrote approximately 2oo words and am now retreating to my bed to watch TV and knit. Either I am really an 80 year old woman in the body of 23 year old, or I am having some motivation problems.

School is tough. I think I will make a great teacher for knowing this. When there is a half hour of school left on the second to last Friday of school, I will empathise. When they have to do some stupid assignment of mine (that will be required by administration, not of my own devices, of course), I will empathise. I mean, I'll sort of laugh and say, "You ain't seen nothing yet, my friends!" But still, I'll feel their pain.

School is long and arduous. If I wasn't picking all my own paper topics and making my own schedule, I'd so be outta here. So go New Zealand for finally figuring out a way for me to have to blame myself if school sucks. Still. I have like two months of school left before summer and I can't friggin' wait.