
09 September 2006

How? Why?!

Last week, I didn't watch Gilmore Girls. I felt I had better things to do as I recall. The week prior I had to miss it because I was at a BBQ. It is apparently in poor taste to halt a party for an hour to watch Gilmore Girls. Apparently.

Last night, I was sure to make time for one of my favourite shows. Only... it wasn't on. Some other dumb Canadian show was on. I quickly consulted an episode guide online to realise that I had missed the last two episodes of the season! I was shocked. I actually shed a small tear. Then I read the (eerily verbatim) episode guide of the last two episodes and cried more. Worse is that I will have no opportunity to watch these episodes for quite some time. How would I? They might have season one on DVD here in NZ, but definitely nothing that just happened. And probably not in the States even. I will just not know.

That'll teach me to put life before TV.