
06 September 2006

Forgetful Me

I am losing my mind. It's official. I left the house today and thought, "Crap. I forgot to take my multivitamin." Not a huge deal, but I always feel a bit off without it. No worries. Then I got to work and realised I hadn't put on deodorant. I mean, honestly. Who does that? Then I remembered that I hadn't brushed my teeth since breakfast either.

Luckily I remembered to trade my slippers for shoes before walking out the door. Almost didn't.

Forgot a notebook for a muy importante meeting after work. I'm going to have to use my trusty post it and pen combo (always in every purse I own) or steal a notebook from work for a day. Man, oh man.

Also, this was all made worse because I felt like a real live adult because I got my first piece of mail that was mailed in to ME. I am the file/mail girl. I open up and deal with the mail that has the big bosses names on it, but that they don't want to open. So here I am feeling worthless (and worried about how soon I will begin to smell) and I look down there is mail addressed to me. Because I am now a correspondent with faculty.

Being an adult is all an act, I tell you.