
20 September 2006

Aw, That's So Cute!

I have been spending a little QT down here at the library (the locale from which I am currently procrastinating the inevitable completion of my thesis). I am using a different computer than my trusty ol' laptop because this one has endnote (I would go on about how much I am in love with that program, but I'm nerdy enough already). I had to get this computer set up to work on the school's network and while I was sitting at ITS having them be my technology slaves, I saw a sign for wireless. I was thrilled because they only just last year got broadband for the library (I know.).

I asked how far the network went to because I live only a few blocks from the library and asked about their network blockers. I just got a puzzled look from the ITS guy. I asked where all the wireless network worked, thinking I had spoken over his head. He then pulled out a map of the library and told me which areas would work. It doesn't even work through the whole friggin' building!!

Now, I know that New Zealand has a notoriously bad telecommunications set up down here. But honestly. In three months time, when they've had time to see "if it catches on or not"(?!), they might expand it to more areas of the library -- not the whole library, just "more areas". I can't wait to be back in the world of cheap internet and phones and everything.

Sigh. I guess they're trying.