
19 September 2006

As the Countdown Continues...

I am starting to realise how much I am going to miss it here. Just a couple of examples:

  • Fairly often in the past couple months, I have seen this very old man on my way to work. He is carrying some kind of tiny dog. Every time he sees me, I give him a little smile and he always says, "Should have gotten me a horse!" And I laugh. This has happened about ten times. I still get the same joke and I still give the same smile.
  • I saw a 1984 Mitsubushi with dented doors, beat up body, and a funny odor with a for sale sign advertising it was a mere $4000. That is sort of a deal.
  • My gourmet vegetarian sandwich that I bought from the cafe by my work had: pumpkin, shredded carrot, pineapple, red bell peppers, bean sprouts, corn, lettuce, tomatoes, and cheese on it. When I commented on how it was different, they replied, "Yeah, we put cheese on them now."
  • I still find advertisements on TV that try to convince you that a dryer is a good idea because you shouldn't have to depend on the weather and that insulation is new technology. It certainly is a simpler place.

But... I will enjoy when I can get a vegetarian sandwich without corn in it. I will enjoy a cheap reliable car that isn't older than I am. I will enjoy central heating, double paned windows, screens, and insulation. But it's bittersweet.