
27 September 2006

Book 'Em

I went to the police station today because I need fingerprints done for my Arizona certification. I wasn't even sure that it was a service that was provided because I could find no information on it. But I rang up and they seemed to be willing to fingerprint me -- and even for free. I went this morning and was not convinced at all that it was normal for me to come and get this done, but I needed it. After spending several minutes trying to explain what it was that I needed done and after producing three different forms of I.D. (I mean, really), I was brought to the booking room.

I was following this police officer (without a gun, heehee. NZ is so cute) through a maze of cell blocks. I felt the urge to make some joke reminding him that I was just here for the fingerprints, not the overnight stay, but it didn't seem appropriate. I saw so many locks and iron gates that I really was starting to get nervous. Plus, he was practically running me through the maze. Especially given my fantastic directional sense, I realized I would never be able to get myself back out of this wrought iron maze. Finally we get to the fingerprint room that is also (conveniently) where they take mug shots. It smelled a little like pee.

While I was getting printed, I heard what could have been some minor construction, but probably wasn't. Sure enough, the kind police officer asked me to excuse him and he went out to the hallway and began reaming out a guy named Wally. (Of course his name was Wally.)

-Wally! Keep it down in there!
-I will not be ignored!!!
-Yes you will. We got company!
(I tried not to be alarmed at being referred to as 'company'.)
-Ooh, what kind of company? (Still banging on his cell door...)
-Shut up, Wally! I'm gonna get someone in there!
-That's all I'm asking for! I refuse to be ignored!
-Bob! Get in there! Wally's gone crazy!!

Then, my officer came back in with a little smile and asked if I'd like to finish up and leave. Then back through the maze we went, after a brief detour past Wally to yell at him, and I was on my way.

Come to think of it, the whole place smelled rather like pee. I'm glad I was just visiting.