
22 September 2006

Procrastination Patty

I'd just like to say I understand why people do not recommend working while finishing your Masters. It's hard. Due to a large SNAFU, I was at work until 5 (I know, real people work time) and then I had to go to the library to track down some more books. By the time I'd done that, it was 5.45. I was hungry, I was tired, I was done. I took the books home and read on the couch for a while, but only a couple hours. I was over it.

So I trucked on to the library at 9 (that's as early as they open) to once again hash into it. Fun. :) And I have been mocked because as much as I complain, I do like knowing the stuff I'm learning. So there. Regardless, I have devised a list of telltale signs that I am in the library meant to be studying:

  • all my post-its and highlighters are exactly parallel with the desk.
  • my email inbox is empty for the first time in months.
  • I have checked my email 47 times in the last 15 minutes.
  • the perfect studying playlist has been created (coincidentally, it's currently the soundtracks to Kill Bill and Kill Bill Vol. 2).
  • I've updated my blog. ;)
  • all my books and articles are organized by color coded paperclips, highlighting, and post-its, chronologically by use in the paper.
  • I've used the toilet three times in as many hours.
  • the deaths of all the Talky Talkersons have been plotted and perhaps illustrated on my notebook.

I would also like to reinforce the concept I described last year while writing my mini-thesis. Writing is like having the flu. You can prepare all you want, but it's still gonna suck. This feeling just builds up with no relief and then suddenly you just vomit it all up. You feel a lot better for a few minutes, but it all builds up again after that. You are pretty much disgusted by what's sitting in front of you. You smell; you haven't showered; you have ceased to care what you look like. All you want to do is lay in bed all day. You spend much of your time thinking, "It'll just be a little bit longer. I have to get over it eventually."

And eventually you just give in to it and plug along. It's horrible the whole time and afterwards just thinking about it can make you nauseous.

I do not recommend postgraduate education to any of those of you who can avoid it. Here ends today's allowed procrastination. See you tomorrow. :)