
11 September 2006

Things That Are Dumb

  • Thesii (thesises?)
  • Deadlines
  • Money (only insomuch as I lack it)
  • Supervisors who don't supervise
  • Lately? TV. I'm over it.

Sublist! Things that I am over:

  • lack of centralised heating
  • long hair (on me)
  • working at a job that isn't my career
  • being a student
  • writing my thesis
  • walking everywhere
  • not having a car
  • only having four channels

I am, however, not in a bad mood. Just overwhelmed by things that are dumb/no longer novel and cute.

Things I am Looking Forward to:

  • turning in Boyfriend's thesis
  • reading a secret stash of good books I found
  • having a Master's degree

...The end.