
03 February 2007

Updates, Updates Everywhere, and Not a Moment to Write

Hello, hello. I've got lots to update on! I am no longer working at the temp job... as of yesterday. And Monday will be the first day of me working at the high school! Yay for having a job that is actually my chosen career. I think that it will be intense and challenging, so of course I'm thrilled. The boy has a job and might even have a better job coming. I also interviewed with Sylvan and am hoping to work there too.

Workaholics unite!

It will be nice to have moolah. But naturally, that comes in several weeks when money catches up with me. Ah well. Eventually it will be nice.

I went to Vegas with the boy and the brother. Very much fun. I have pictures, but not enough time to put them on the computer. Hopefully within the month I'll have internet at home again and can fully satisfy my many internet addictions -- informing you all of my every move being a primary one.

Tucson is still awesome and wonderful. Due to a fabulous gift from my mommy, I got to eat at the Macaroni Grill last night. Not only the first time I've eaten at one, but also the first meal out in Tucson yet -- yes, it's been a month. Money is tight. ;)

The general synopsis? Life is very, very good and very, very busy.