
12 March 2007

Spring Break

I'm finally on Spring Break! Now, me even saying that is wrong because I've only been working for my job for a bit over a month. And I just found out about the Spring Break a few weeks ago. But still. It's nice. I'm still working at my other job too, so it's not totally off, but it's only working for a few hours an afternoon. Sweet relief.

Also, I can see again. I got new contacts this weekend and I am back among the glassesless - a place I love to be.

I actually managed to convince myself to sleep in, but I woke up every twenty minutes, thinking of all that I could get done today. So I slept in until 8 -- which I think is quite late. But I am stuck in the apartment carless, and I have to walk to my job this afternoon. I am lost because I have no idea of the walking distances to places anymore. This is only funny considering I walked everywhere for two years and now I'm just not sure. Oh well, today's a day to find out.

So here's to my day of laundry, dishes, eyebrow plucking, toenail painting and leisurely lunch with reading mixed in. Say it all together now - whew.