
31 August 2006

Slowing Down

One of the main differences, culturally speaking, between my American experience and my New Zealand one is pace. Things are slower here. Things are pretty much more laid back everywhere I've been than in the States. That's okay with me, but I do tend to be an active person. I walk fast, I talk fast, I type fast, I do things fast. Usually, while here, people have just chalked that up to me being American.

Recently, at my filing job, (where my apparent title is Administrative Assistant) my boss(es) keep telling me slow down. I do things too fast. I haven't made errors, I haven't done anything wrong exactly, but it's bound to happen if I keep working fast. It's been really hard to slow down. The way I figure it, if I do more stuff, I can do more stuff in that day -- everybody should be happy. But the idea here is to slow down and make sure that it's all done correctly (again, I'd like to emphasise that I haven't messed up anything). It's just funny to me that fast must equate errors here.

I am trying. I daydream inbetween looking at each file. I check my email 47 times an hour. I check, double check, and re-double check everything I do. I'm still going too fast. So here's hoping that me not having any morning caffeine, and just trying so hard to slow down is enough. :) I rather like my job and would rather not lose it on account of so much efficiency.