I thought it might be time for another list of current obsessions/addictions. So here goes:
- Grey's Anatomy. Remember, we're behind here and there's only two episodes left. I am loving and hating it. It's so intense!
- Baked beans. Is eating beans on toast a thing in the States? If so, why did I never do it?
- Sushi. Still. But, I am budgeting my life, so no more eating out for a very, very long time. I shall wither away.
- Puppies. Though it may be some months before this is a possibility (or a decade... it depends), I am obsessed with looking up dog breeds and guides. I will be well informed.
- Ducks. Feeding them, that is. I love it. It's getting nicer out, so it's even more fun to do it.
- Pumpkin soup. I am perfecting a pumpkin soup with garlic and ginger. It's so good. It's shocking it even came from my hand. Most things I cook are basic or weird, but never something you'd savor.
- Purses. Since my arm is mostly better, I can have bags that I have to hold instead of just sling over a shoulder. I am getting reacquainted with my pretty bags.
- Naps. They were out of the question for a while there, but the best way to spend an afternoon is still lounging around read a book and drifting off to sleepyland.
Ooh, that reminds me. I had two (count 'em, two!) nightmares last night. One involved people breaking into my house to kill me. Naturally. The second involved this world wide pandemic of mental disease that causes you to kill those around you. Since everyone had it, a lot of people died. It ended very creepily. Like, I don't even want to talk about it. But let's just say I woke up questioning my sanity. So maybe I ought to cut out the naps altogether. :)
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