
21 August 2006

Like a Baby

The final of Grey's was on last night here. Oh. My. God. I knew I was going to lose it. I was crying at the previews/commercials for it! And yes, I was thoroughly mocked for that, but still. Even though, months ago (ish), I got a spoiler alert from the ever lovely Lisa, I still lost it. And you know where I cried the hardest? You'll never guess. Was it when the main guy died? No. Was it when Izzy quit? No. Was it when all the relationship drama was going down with McDreamy? No.

It was when they put the dog to sleep.

No joke.

I don't like when animals get hurt on TV. And yes, it was explained to me: "Annika, you know they didn't really hurt that dog, don't you?" But it's just so sad. I had the unfortunate experience of being in that little room sending my kitty, Snitch, off to eternal slumberland. It's horrible. Horr-i-ble. Awful. I'm actually tearing up a little right now just thinking about it.

Now add that to all the symbolic drama that little puppy carried with him and come on-- I never stood a chance. But there is a silver lining. I never saw the first season of Grey's, but they're playing it again now here. So I can catch up on my favourite addiction. :)


Lisa said...

goodness, it feels good to be 'ever lovely' maybe i'll have my students call me that this year, the 'ever lovely' Ms. Griffin. it has a good ring.