
13 August 2006

To Add to the List

More obsessions:

Ginger. As in, I like anything with ginger. In an attempt to help my sleep (which has gotten remarkably better), I bought some herbal tea (caffeine-free!) to help calm me. While I bought some specifically entitled Sleepy Tea (how could I say no?), I also got some ginger tea. And it's fabulous. It could probably use a little more lemon, but mmm ginger. Way to be, ginger, way to be.

Sneakers. Call 'em what you like: runners, trainers, gym shoes, tennis shoes (go Wisconsin dialect!), but I am obsessed. It's thinly veiled fear, I think, of ice. I now wear them with black pants, with jeans (big faux pas here), with nice pants, etc. Basically, I have drawn the line at skirts. But seriously, with cold and ice like we got here, I think I'm a-okay for being a little fashionally daring.

Hitchcock. I know. I'm surprised too. I hate scary movies. But it's a whole new ballgame. The newer version of Psycho was on last night - Sunday Horrors. I watched it! I watched a movie that was a Sunday Horror. And even more? I loved it. I liked seeing Vince Vaughn acting instead of just playing himself. Not that I don't like Vaughn, but it was fun to see him in a real role. But I did stay up too late watching it. And I did have a dream that a man in a wig was trying to kill me. But it wasn't that scary. I mean, as far as my dreams go, that's really pretty average. So yay, Hitchcock!