
14 August 2006

Beware the Staple

You might think that a job as a file clerk would be pretty tame. But you'd be wrong.

Case One: Last week, I suffered the dreaded triple papercut. That's right; while shuffling some papers together, three pages simultaneously cut into a joint (it's always a joint) on my finger. The pain was indescribable.

Case Two: Yesterday, I came home with a sore arm. Why, you might ask? From repetitively pulling staples out of stacks and stacks of paper and restapling them. Sore arm!!

Case Three: Whilst picking up a stack of paper, a stray staple stuck itself into my finger. The whole edge that is meant to be bent over at the back was embedded into my index finger.

I rest my case. Somebody owes me money. Or at the very least, a cookie.