
10 February 2005

Technological Era

I begin today's blog by stating that I am so pissed at myself. I got a stupid virus. I clicked on that link, you know? The one that is screaming, "I am soooo a virus!" Just because, maybe instead of a virus, it's a link to the meaning of life. How could I not click on the link? Well, the next step was to uninstall AIM off my computer. So now I have no friends, none of my thousands of away messages, and no access to my family. Still, the computer immediately slows down, completely not caring about the sacrifice I just made for it. I just shut 'er down and wait until I can take her someplace to get better, which as it turns out, is the library. Yeah, they have sweet people here. And it didn't cost me anything -- take that Valpo EIS desk.

I have to explain to the computer guy (and you can picture him in your head) that I have a virus and how I got the virus. He laughs kindly (so maybe he's not that guy), and gives me a thirty page book to complete. This book contains instructions on how to salvage my computer on my own. Yes, I can hear the widespread gasp. "Annika's going to try this on her own???" That's what I tried to tell him, but he said I could do it. So after scanning, I have four viruses, and 29 cases of spyware. Stupid link. Do you want to know how long it took me to do all thirty pages? All the day long. I am completely not kidding. After I had cleansed the computer in ways that made me feel invasive, I re-downloaded aim only to have it pop up the annoying away message link, meaning that yes, my whole computer could be re-contaminated. I have to re-scan for viruses, and re-scan for spyware, after of course, again uninstalling aim. Then I have to continue as before.

Now after all this, I finally have aim, but I can't get into my blog, hotmail, anything requiring a password unless I go down to the computer lab. In the rain. Uphill both ways. So I sacrificed all this, dear friends, to keep aim on my computer, much to the chagrin of the help desk guy. Says it's crap and I have to agree.


Annika said...

To comment to my own blog, here's an update. I am back to being fully internet capable in the flat. My security settings were so high that the help desk said maybe I should calm down. :) Whoops. But I figured out how to change all that on my own. No more clicking on links to the meaning of life.

FrankD! said...

Ah spyware and viruses. It's good to see that they don't spare ANY part of the universe from their malicious little hands.

I'm diggin your blog...i'm here in the "good ol' U-S-of-A" myself and WISHING i was that far away from home...

Rock ON!