
22 February 2005

And So It Begins

So I went to international student orientation today. Yeah, I know you're ravenously jealous. Regardless, it was a rather informative time. I am super excited to do yoga, stained glass work, and be part of wine tasting group because, for the most part, I can. Needless to say, their recreational organization is composed of more than intramurals. In addition to all that, I can take lessons in windsurfing, mountain climbing and pretty much any other random activity you can think of. I also discovered that there is a gym here that I can use for free (if you pretend we didn't pay astronomical fees to be in the University anyway...) and I will now take advantage.

Also, I realized for the first time today that after years of being disappointed that I hadn't chosen to go to "a real school," I am actually at one now. This school has a city wrapped up in and around it, and that's pretty cool. There are over 2000 international students here, which almost amounts to all the Valpo kids who didn't stay in their rooms all day. (I mean, seriously, who were those pale kids who won all the academic awards... puh-lease.) The only down side to my academic life here so far is that I have all night classes. I only have class three times a week, and none of those starts before 4. Getting a job that will be fulfilling wll be harder than I thought, as well. Turns out they have teachers for professional tutoring places and now I have to scrounge. Ah, whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger right? (Whoever said that is so crappy.) Either way, I have made the dismal realization about myself: I like routine. I hate to say it, but I am looking forward to the dependable monotony of academia. Granted, they trust their students here and that means that most of the work is done on your own schedule. Even better... I get to set up my own routine. Control freaks like myself can delight in such privilege.

Does this mean my blog entries will soon be riddled with boring observations about education and its impact all over the world? Of course it does, and you should be interested! Okay, okay, and you can still depend on flighty, random observations of life because I am flighty and random. Cheers to that.