
11 February 2005

Little Known Fears

When you go somewhere new, I don't even care how far away it is, and you go by yourself, you have to encounter certain attributes of life that you don't typically have to. I would like to dedicate this blog to the little known fears that I have that I had to come to terms with thus far on my New Zealand adventure.

Oh yeah, the books will tell you that there really isn't much bug life here. Sure, there isn't when compared to Northern Wisconsin in the woods, in the rain, near the river, when it's hot. Still, people, put screens on your windows, or at least on mine. I had a few huge fly situations, but I decided to live and let live. I'm not thrilled about flies being in my flat, but in their defense, they're not thrilled to be there either. My limits were tested, however, when I encountered the biggest spider I'd ever seen in real life. Naturally, I find the spider when I am coming out of the shower. Normally, I would scream for someone else who lived there to either take care of it for me, or do reconnaissance with me. There isn't anyone else here! I had to run and get a shoe, attack it with all of my being, listen for the eerie crunch that a thing that size makes, and clean it up. Ew. It took me a while to not wear shoes again, but I conquered it.

Okay, yeah, I do like museums, but I have a little known fear sprung from many recurring dreams that the people, animals, etc come to life and try and kill me. I think this is entirely normal. I went to the museum by myself today and of course wandered into the "animal attic." In one room, all the animals they had were stuffed into cases... they included bears and tigers and big, huge birds. We know my relationship with birds is already quite tense. Then... here's the kicker. Monkeys. I don't like monkeys to begin with because there is too much awareness in those eyes. I had to force myself to go through this room or I would have had to beat myself mercilessly later. I practically ran past the three monkeys. It was close, I thought I saw one of them blink.

Dining Alone-
That's a biggie until you do it. I like doing it now, it gives you a chance to just sit and be and think, all while getting a meal you didn't have to cook. Wonderful. Sheer joy.

I suggest to all (two) faithful readers that you do these things not because of your solitude, but because of the advancement of spirit. Kill bugs, fear dead animals, and dine alone. Words to live by.