
18 February 2005

Festival Extravaganza!

So I went into the center of town today because I heard there was a fair of some sort. It was great! There were singers that I would say were dressed in drag, but they were women dressed as women. One had her hair in Princess Leia buns with a spiked mohawk going down the center of her head. They were singing songs like "These Boots Were Made for Walking," but with accents, which I found hysterical. Puts a new spin on things, I suppose. Many more bands were performing on different stages, but I liked the weird ladies the best.
I had also heard there would be tons of food there, and there was, but they are not the vegetarian friendly dishes I might have hoped. For all those who knew me in my carnivorous days, you would have been proud that I refrained from the meat; they had kabobs of every make and style, with sauces that were spicy, smoky, and just plain smelled great. But I did not succumb to the temptation of the meat and went home and had some soup because, once again, I love soup.
I also inadvertently joined Amnesty International. I know my political minded readers will probably find several reasons that I shouldn't have done this, but when it comes down to it, I like that they defend human rights. They probably like sell babies for ads in papers or something equally evil they they just don't tell people, but oh well. Maybe I was blown over by having someone to talk to about something of worth (it has been a while), but I just liked the idea of what they do. The kicker was when they described a woman who was supposed to get stoned to death because she had a baby outside of marriage. Well, given my dear friend with her new baby, yeah, I don't want them to die, so why should that lady?
Either way, I should just tell people no blindly when they want me to do something, because as my dad always told me, I am the marketing exec's dream come true. I also found some less costly and defining nice deals on decorations. Decorative tiles for my bathroom walls (to accompany the stone body parts) for only five dollars a piece! For the land of the impossibly expensive crap, that was a mighty fine deal.
So I got to see that life in Dunedin has its festivals, with its fun food that I can't eat, but lots of little crafty things and music that I love. Let's see what other interesting things I just happen upon!