
25 February 2005

No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problem

While I am enjoying my new culturally different experience here, I felt the need to tell you about a trend I have noticed. I've actually been meaning to talk about this, but my verbose nature has prevented me from doing so until now. People here are dirty hippies. Naturally, I love it. Many adult women who have babies and small children have dreadlocks. One particular woman had her dreadlocks dyed pink and was telling her child that she was no pushover. Also, she wasn't wearing shoes, and her children weren't either. This wouldn't seem so strange, but we were in the mall. Many people here just can't be bothered to wear shoes and I have to love the freedom of it all, but am also confused by the logic behind it. As I walked to the library this morning, I noticed several broken beer bottles scattered about the streets, two literally rusty nails and other various sticky, smelly, and mysterious fluids. I don't mean to be prissy, but ew! For all the people who freaked out with Britney went into a public restroom with no shoes on, welcome to the land of horrid feet maintenance. I would like to say it is only the many dirty hippies who free themselves from the restraint of shoes, but many people dress like this: nice pants, nice shirt, tie, and no shoes. I like to be sure that they haven't come from work like this, but there is no such guarantee.

Now I have been tempted to join the movement, but you know... I mean, you absolutely know that the second that I would walk outside barefoot I would get five rusty nails, a used hypodermic needle, and a puddle of eerily cool yellow liquid all over myself. Maybe that makes me a paranoid, germphobic American, but hey, I like me this way. Power to the people, and free the foot and all that jazz. But if I befriend some of these well intentioned hippies, you know they are going to be wearing flip flops upon entering my humble abode. I mean, ew.

I am getting more tempted to put my hair in dreads. How awesome would I be? I really don't think I could pull it off, but here you don't have to. It's not a statement, it's a hair style. I don't even need to reek of pot or anything. Course now that I cut all my hair off, I would have just a mini froh (I am so unsure of how to spell this, and spellcheck is no help!!). But please. If you know me at all, you know that this is my dream.


Forward Our Motto said...

I believe it is "'fro." I think you would look rather interesting with that hair style. Hey, you only get to live once (unless you're a Hindu or Buddist), so you might as well try it out.