
06 July 2006

They're Taking Over

It's that time again; the beginning of a term. That means American exchange students and lots of them. I have no problem with Americans in general. I love and miss my homeland. But. These people would remind anyone why they left. They are loud (and that's coming from me). Things I have overheard from American students:

Student1: Do you say ah-pricots or ay-pricots?
Student2: Ah-pricots.
Student3: I told you they were all saying it wrong!!
Student1: Well, I want a scone, but that doesn't look like a scone.
Cashier: I'm sorry?
Student2: Can you just tell her what they taste like?
C: Like a scone. Try one, they're good.
S1: But I don't know what they taste like!!
C: There are 15 people behind you...
(I was one of them.)
S1: Did you know it only costs $6 to take a taxi into town?
S2: I can't believe how close to downtown we are!
S1: I say we take a taxi into town on Saturday and hit all the clubs!
S2: Well, we can't do it all in one night, but we can try!!
("Downtown" is small. And no reasonable student will take a taxi the 8 to 10 blocks it takes to get from most student flats to town.)
Now, I'm sure it seems worse because the regular students don't come back till this weekend. So I only have to deal with peroxide skanky girls still wearing uggs for another couple days. Oddly, the loud American males haven't made too much of an appearance... yet.


Anonymous said...

Yay for peroxide skanky girls!

Truly said...

This is really funny to me. American foreign exchange students? How odd!