
30 July 2006

Quiet as a Mouse

It's happened again. Whenever I start a new job, I go into Professional Annika mode. I just feel that I don't need to jump in on every conversation or divulge too much about my personal life. It isn't that I think my life is too private for work or that I don't want my co-workers to know about me. It's just that whenever I tell a story, you'll be lucky to get out alive in twenty minutes. Especially when my story is really "I just dropped my pen." It's ridiculous. I like for people to think of me as quiet and diligent instead chatty or the girl who won't shut up.

Usually this wears off over time. I get comfortable, I feel secure in people's estimation of my abilities, etc. It hasn't happened at my filing job yet. They think I might be a stick in the mud who works too hard. Sigh. I know it will fade and they'll soon wish I never opened my mouth, but it still cracks me up. As I think of a half hour long story to explain how I am not a stick in the mud or quiet, I realise that maybe it'll be okay if they just think of me as quiet and hardworking... at least for another few days.