
23 July 2006


They're trying to pass an anti-smacking law here. As in, it will be against the law to smack your child. Now, I know it's a controversial topic, but I was spanked, slapped and generally physically punished many times throughout my childhood -- and I deserved it every single time.

I remember working daycare when we would joke that we should be able to get a hitting waiver for some kids. Now, that might sound horrible. It really might. But you know what else sounds horrible? Having one kid throw wooden toys at your head, bite your arm three times, and piss his pants on purpose knowing you have to clean it up, and throwing a chair at another student's head... all before nap time. I mean, honestly. I'm not saying beat the kid. But when nothing else gets through? I'm just saying...

Still, wouldn't it be funny if you weren't allowed to physically punish your children at all, under penalty of law? I am reminded of a Family Guy quote: "Hey, you guys wanna go harass the janitor because he can't legally hit us back? (others cheer in agreement)"