
14 July 2006

I'm Better!!

...Well, mostly. As in, I can type again. For short bursts of time. :) I am happy. But I still think cleaning is hard with limited ability in the left arm region. Cleaning spree time has happened and it's hard. But satisfying, I guess. If I didn't live in a mold pit.

But it's been so sunny lately that I couldn't complain. I know a lot of you (Americans) are enjoying a little bit of summer, but let me tell you that I am enjoying a brisk day of my windows open and I couldn't be happier. Clothes on the line, flat airing out... What could be better?

And I was going to put up a picture of the view from my parents' new house. Blogger says it's too big. While I work on that, I'll just say I am envious as it is apparently the hot spot to this summer. Fish frys (fries?) and fireworks are among the activities I've missed so far, but I am sure I will test out the festivity factor of the house round about Thanksgiving.