
17 April 2006

Updates with 0% Chance of Showers

First, I want to complain. Like always. :) I cannot shower. My stupid hot water tap (seriously, what kind of developed nation still has separate taps for hot and cold water?) in my shower has gone beyond the permissible "finicky" stage into nonfunctional. And because I'm a) too Lutheran at heart, b) too shy to call the landlord again, c) an idiot, I waited until it totally wasn't working to call about it. So, it's also still kind of the holidays (how long do we get for Easter?!), so I don't know when the plumber will even get here. We're on Day Two of no shower (as in, it's Tuesday, and I last showered on Sunday morning), and I'm none too happy about it. This will be the 4th major thing I've needed fixed/replaced by my landlord and I feel guilty? I should demand a refund on rent or something. And for those of you thinking, "Well, at least you save money on water this month", no I don't. We don't pay for water, just for heating it. Weird. But anyway, since I am always cold, the showers in the morning really keep me warm. So I am lounging about in forty layers. This plumber is gonna think I'm hot!

But enough of how I'm too much an idiot to complain before my shower completely stops working... on to the updates.

  • I take back every not nice thing I ever said about Immigration. They're being dolls this time around. (Perhaps because it's not for me? They did kind of hate me, I think. Pushy Americans.)
  • Turns out? It's the Easter holidays. I don't have classes, and therefore don't get to bask in the break, but the school is shut down for the week. Awesome; I hate students (and yes, I see the irony there).
  • OCD cleanly Annika has returned. It went away there for awhile, but I was cleaning countertops at 10.30 last night, so I have returned to normal.
  • It's officially less than a month until my family comes to visit. For my mom and I, that is a huge milestone: it's now socially appropriate to rant and rave about the trip -- not that we haven't been for months now.
  • I saw Capri Suns on TV yesterday and flipped out. I had forgotten they existed. Stupid TV. It also made me miss SNL. I mean, honestly. That's ridiculous.
  • I switched to AIM triton and hate it. Did it mess up anyone else's computer? It is totally not acceptable to go back to the old version because it was prettier?
  • My wrist is officially better, did I forget to announce that before? We're all clear for soccer and doing dishes alike.
  • I am now into really, really long books. Currently reading Vanity Fair (for the first time, if you'll believe it: I highly recommend it) and next up is Atlas Shrugged, suggested by the beautiful and talented Beth.

And so forth. I just felt I have been neglecting my blog loving public -- though my celebrity gossip columns were neglecting me for Easter: are the celebrity gossipers highly religious? -- and felt I should make up for it. A pleasant day to you all. : )