
07 April 2006

Thwarted Productivity

It's my own fault really. It always is.

I decided to go out for a quiet night on Thursday. Mhm. Well, that turned into me and a friend stumbling home at 5.30 am. But cursed as I am with a sense of obligation, I woke up at 8 on the dot because I had a meeting at ten. After an hour of convincing said friend that we did want to go to our obligations (she had a lecture at ten), we stumbled back out into the daylight.

"I don't really feel that hungover."
"Me either. Go us."
"Wait, what time did we get in?"
"5.30, I think."
"And what time did you wake me up this morning?"
"So... we're most likely just still drunk."
"'Yeah, ok."

Sigh. I am no longer the spring chicken I once was. This was rediculous on all counts. But off I went to my meeting with the library professional to show me where my articles were hiding in the databases. It was brilliantly successful. Off to work, where they kept me much longer than I preferred. Again. So no call to Grandma for her birthday due to horrible time zone differences. Sorry, Grandma. Then off to meet up with an old friend for a cup of coffee. Then home. Then a horribly needed shower. Two messages on my phone when I got out instructing me of the where and when of that evening's festivities. And I piked. Piked like I never piked before. (Piking, by the way, means canceling plans in a very non-socially acceptable way. Just saying no. Saying no to peer pressure, I like to call it.) So I began re-collecting my life. Shower out of the way, started cleaning, mostly sat on the couch and relaxed.

Then, this morning was to be productivity central. Well, I didn't consider a couple things. 1) my arm is still... out of commission, so doing dishes is really a feat. 2) I now know where the articles are, but I print them out for free at work. I didn't do that. Now I have no printer. 3) that only leaves cleaning up the flat. Since I have no vacuum cleaner, that really means putting things away. I can't see that taking very long. 4) Productivity is officially killed.

Perhaps Monday will have to be my productivity day. I have fun books to read anyhow. That's productive for the mind, right? So that counts, right?



Truly said...

Ohhh I love reading about your adventures in NZ/Australia!

Oh, and check out my entry from today on Sex in the Mil-town... I think you'll enjoy it... thanks again for the info, you're the best!

I miss you!!