
22 April 2006

Spider Standoff

I am not a "good" hunter, but I have some quality hunting skills. I have a good eye. I have that "deer sense", and I am a decent shot (at least at non-moving targets). Unfortunately, the sitting still and being quiet for 8 hours a day does not bode well with my personality. Otherwise, I think I'd rule.

I awoke this morning with my spidey sense tingling. Sure enough, I looked to my left and saw two spiders having a standoff in a nearby corner of my room. I am still on my anti-kill (unless absolutely necessary) stance, so I could do nothing but stare at them. Instead, I showered, left and went to the art gallery, which was happily spider free. When I came back, only one spider remained -- the stupid one. The smart one is the one pictured, the vagrant spider (though upon further inspection, it could be a sheet something spider -- the only difference seems to be colour) and the other one does not apparently exist. Which is fine. Because I might kill it. It has been in the same spot all day. This means (I have logically concluded) that is either a1) dead, b2) laying in wait, c3) dumb. All of these mean I should be able to smash it with a shoe. It is dangerously close to my bed. Maybe one Annika armspan (a standard measure in most countries).

At least I know the spiders are eating the flies and moths in my flat. Now to get a bird to eat the spiders! ...Then I'll need a cat to eat the bir-- wait a minute! No, no... I can see where this one's going.


Lisa said...

annika you crack me up