
06 March 2007

Tired Tammy

Hello, folks. I am tired. Dead tired. I think I may have needed more time to adjust to working full time again. While I am happy for the job opportunities that have come my way, especially seeing as my arrival happened in the middle of the school year, I am exhausted. I am not making as much money as I should (could?) be making right now. So... I work too much. Always a solution, right?

Now, spoiled me, I will not be in this particular position for long. I am also not left wanting for anything. Well, I am not wanting for anything but sleep. My workday starts at 7.45 and goes until about 7.15. That is too long. :) There are breaks, but still.

I know I used to do this. My summers between years of college were exhausting feats of endless working. I used to work at least 14 hours a day at least 6 days a week. I know I can do this just fine. But it takes a while to acclimate your body to not sleeping. I also drink too much coffee again. Perhaps the lazy New Zealand time was good. Write for three hours, study for another hour, sleep, work for three hours, sleep. Nice.

The good ol' days.

Of course, I had barely enough money for food. I had no heat and was always cold. Sigh. Compromises, compromises everywhere... :)


Lisa said...

isn't teaching a blast? we are into the practices for our spring play now, so every day is at least 12 hours if not more for me! ahhh, the joys of being a teacher; it just never ends... except in the summer when you have a couple month vacay.