
05 June 2006

No More Naps

I have tried to give up napping. Many times. Here are the facts. Until I went to university, I did everything. Like, every extra curricular, every AP class, every everything. I had no time. And if I did manage to scrape together time, I'd hang out with friends. When university started, I spent all year doing way too much (though much of that was social ;) ), and the summers working 14 hour days. Busy, busy was the bee.

Then grad school. I heard that it was going to be all hard. It's not. Now, that might be my area of specialization (education is not known for being a hard degree...), it might be the NZ attitude for education, it might be that I'll kick myself later for not putting in a lot of hectic hours on my thesis (though I am working steadily, if not intensely). I am only allowed to work a few hours a week. So I nap. A lot. I feel guilty even saying that I nap probably 5 out of 7 days a week. But I do. I have my afternoons open so I read and if I fall asleep, I fall asleep.

Well, due to higher financial needs (stupid air fares), I have been pursuing more job opportunities. Besides the extra hours that I mentioned in previous posts, I will spend the next two weeks performing as an exam supervisor. It'll be oh so much fun. Because I said I would be available all the time, they set me up with even more hours. I have to be there a half hour ahead of time, then for two or three hour increments every day except Sundays. Every morning and afternoon. And I still work my lunch time reception gig. And I will put in the hours at the second job here in the building too. So. Cold turkey on the naps, I guess. I bet they'd frown on me napping during exams.

And you know I'll take an extra long nap today. I mean, honestly.