
01 June 2006


So I inherited a lot of crap characteristics. Instead of my mom's flawless teeth, I got my dad's messed up ones. I inherited both of their noses (on top of each other, created the "noble nose"), bad eyesight from both, weird stomach noises from my mom, etc. But one thing I didn't think I inherited was peeing habits. While my family was visiting in my tiny flat, I realised that they all pee in the middle of the night (thankfully, in the toilet). I do not. I sleep until morning and then pee. Well, the past two nights in a row, I've had to get up in the middle of the night. What the heck?

I did have some soda the first night, which is abnormal for me. Usually I have a natural cutoff of fluids a couple hours before bed anyhow. Well, now I have to watch my fluid intake like I'm a three year old conquering bed wetting. I suppose it's probably not so bad to get up and pee in the middle of the night. But my flat is freezing. Like literally. This morning there was frost on my windows. Inside and out. I don't use heat. So, it's friggin' freezing. The toilet seat is even more cold as a cruel twist of fate.

It reminds me of a standup comedian I heard once who talked about being excessively drunk and pondering whether or not to go to the toilet. The brief logic was, "...well, it'd be warm for a little while..." I laughed hysterically. But that logic didn't phase me for a second last night. It'd probably freeze in the bed. This story has taken a turn for the worse...

The real point was that I had to drag myself up out of bed into the frigid air to the frigid bathroom and back to the bed. No fluids after dinner I guess. Because I'm a three year old.