
22 April 2005


I am not sure if these commercials are airing in the States, but I would assume they are. I am talking about the toothbrushes that have tongue cleaners on the back. Sure, sure the tongue can be the forgotten hygienic locale of the mouth. It is important for breath purposes to brush that little tongue of yours. However, let's analyze the tongue cleaner.

On the back of the brush portion, there is a rubber pad that has uneven surfaces to bests scrub the tongue. Well, you know what would be better than a rubber pad? The brush on the other side of the toothbrush! Fools! I am a fan of nice toothbrushes, but why waste money on a silly rubber pad to rub on your tongue? Seriously, people. Even I, the slave to marketing that I am, am able to see the wool being pulled over my eyes.

It's like getting a straight hair brush and a curly hair brush. Fools.